Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 30 April 2017


I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Red-Tailed Hawk in Flight
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Photo Labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Hello.  Been 'resting' and reading old newspapers.  Can't bear to throw them out if I kept them to read a specially interesting article, then found I didn't have the time.

    Annette:   Cute little Skunks, but my pic was of a fox cub and a badger cub!   Not sure if its genuine, really, but it looked OK.  Interesting about May Gray and June Gloom.....  we do have some names for times of year, but not those, LOL!

    Hope all is well on the kitchen front for OG - I should imagine that EE is a pretty good cook although not of course of  OG's standard, LOL.  I can see/hear her shouting instructions from the living room as he grapples with the pans!

    Went to see sis-in-law and discuss various members of the family who are suffering from various ailments. Some cousins are now getting very frail and are a cause of worry.  Bonnie ran amok with her dog toys again and was pleased to enjoy the visit.

    Off to see how my slow cooked piece of  beef is doing - I put it into our slow cooker pan with carrots, onions and celery hours ago. Only have to boil up some spuds now for instant meal, yum.

  • So pleased to read that I am not the only one for keeping newspapers to read "later". My kids despair :)

  • LINDA – OH is producing good meals so far – with my guidance.  Trying to incorporate items lurking in the freezer (he has luckily ben updating the freezer record book), as well as trying to eat healthy balanced meals and regulate portion size.  I only eat small meals as I am not using much energy

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Lindybird: A badger!?  Duh. Where's my dunce's cap? My excuse is I'd just been watching the skunk video and thought 'black-and-white-and-cute' equals 'skunk.'  :-)

  • It wasn't till I saw your post that I looked at the picture and saw that there was a likeness to a skunk, Annette! 

    Hope you're sleeping alright, OG. Important to recuperate by resting well. I don't suppose your appetite is back to normal yet, after all you've been through.

    My children despair of me as I don't throw things out. And my Friend doesn't even have yesterday's newspaper, she keeps nothing.