Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 30 April 2017


I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Red-Tailed Hawk in Flight
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Photo Labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Thanks, EE!  Your regular reports are helping us feel we're keeping in touch with OG. Please tell her "Bravo!" on making such good progress.

    At least she will be home in good time to see the emergence of the LG chicks. Fingers crossed that all 3 eggs are viable, though two would be less mouths to feed for their excellent parents.

    The sun came out here mid afternoon, but I've been lazily catching up on some reading matter after a busy morning cleaning.

  • It's been Bank Holiday Monday here, folks - for those from other than UK. 

    We had quite good weather here, with no rain except light drizzle first thing, so my OH has been busy at the allotment and I cleaned madly this morning. Been on the pc and sorted out some more photos, so another instalment of our travels tomorrow.

    Night, All those reading!

  • EE - Thanks for the OG update. Good to hear she is progressing well.


    Linda – I wonder why they are called bank holidays. I’m sure more than banks are closed! Here we call them “public holidays”. Our next is in June for HM’s birthday.


    An update to my tale of the sleeveless vests. Little People don’t like to be too warm and this is one way Dau can keep clothes on littlies. I offered to make new ones and twins chose 2 colours each, MissJ lavender & pale pink, MissL 2 bright pinks rather similar. All four now finished and handed over. Dau had mentioned she saw MissL eying her sister’s lavender top in the drawer. I asked MissL if she would like a lavender one. A sweet smile & a nod. But MissJ, clutching hers, said “We’ll share it.” Lovely idea, Dau’s attempts to promote sharing must be working, but alas MissJ is size 4 and MissJ size 3. I’ve already started the lavender larger size – I don’t mind as I can’t decide on what to do with the wool for my jumper. The pattern I had planned in my mind didn’t look right in sample. Not that I actually need any more jumpers, I just enjoy knitting.


    The sun is shining, green shoots of spring bulbs peeking, weeds multiplying, Maybe it's time I visited the garden. <sigh>

  • Evening all: Lovely day today. Went to Tai Chi this morning, then home and lunch before went off to whale count, where it was sunny and warm and breezy - a beautiful day made perfect by a cow and her calf who hung around in the kelp right below us for ages, popping up regularly so we could see Mom in front and young'un right beside her.  Yoga late afternoon.  :-)

    Lindybird: I have the same issue with my OH and his - ahem - exercise schedule (and I  use the term very loosely).  But you know what they say, "No woman is a prophet in her own household" or something like that....

    EE:  Hope OG will recognize the house after all your hard work. Do hope she gets good news about going home soon.

    AQ: We  have public holidays too, but on some of them, the banks are closed and the post office too while stores are open.  Are we going to see any photos of the twins any time soon? They  sound so grown up.  And how is Miss 5 doing?

    A day at home tomorrow. Have been spending evenings going  through old files (insurance, bills, etc) and setting aside piles for recycling/shredding.

    Hope Tuesday is good to all...

  • Good Morning, All.  Dry and sunny out the window, today :-)  This weather is making everything grow, and the garden is changing daily.

    Liked the story of the vests, AQ! 

    Forgotten why we decided they're named Bank Holidays, here - we did discuss it a few years ago.

  • Here's today's pic:

    "I'm the champion of fluffy!!"

  • An Old Lady Withdrawing Money.

    An old lady handed her bank card to a bank teller and said, “I would like to withdraw $500.”

    The female teller told her, “For withdrawals less than $5,000, please use the ATM”.

    The old lady then asked, “Why?” The teller irritably told her, “These are rules. Please leave if there is no other matter. There is a queue behind you.” She then returned the card to the old lady.

    The old lady remained silent. But she returned the card to the teller and said, “Please help me withdraw all the money I have.”

    The teller was astonished when she checked the account balance. She nodded her head, leaned down and said to the old lady, “My apologies Granny, you have $3.5 billion in your account and our bank does not have so much cash currently. Could you make an appointment and come again tomorrow?"

    The old lady then asked, “How much am I able to withdraw now?”

    The teller told her, “Any amount up to $300,000.”

    The old lady then told the teller that she wanted to withdraw $300,000 from her account. The teller did so quickly and handed it to the old lady respectfully. The old lady kept $500 in her bag and asked the teller to deposit the balance of $299,500 back into her account. The teller was dumbfounded.

    The moral of this story is that rules are inflexible but we humans can be flexible when the situation requires us to be. We should not treat people based on their looks or how they are dressed. Rather, we should treat everyone with respect. And . . . never be too quick to judge a book by its cover.

  • Linda - Today’s gorgeous puss is like one in a TV advert. Vet is calling for his assistant to help with cat without a pulse. Assistant comes in, picks up her fur hat . . . should have gone to Sp.csave.. while the cat smugly watches.


    Annette – Miss5 is doing well at school, second term started this week. She is now reading to us. Tomorrow I mind twins while Dau does school pickup and Guides delivery. I haven’t taken any pics for at least 2 months, maybe tomorrow if they are in a happy mood. They will be out in morn and MissL will probably nap most of time I am there. She doesn’t wake in a good mood, so perhaps no pics yet.


    Hallo, Lynette – I meant to reply to something you posted, now I can’t think what.


    Meatballs made & stashed in fridge waiting to be frizzled. Now to think about veggies. Spuds, it goes without saying. My leafy greens in garden have decided it is too cold, unlike last year when they lasted and lasted. Carrot & broccoli again. OH’s appetite has returned, though still coughing.

  • It's an absolutely beautiful morning here, so I've been filling up the w. line.  Just off to get some more dirties, to put into the machine, then I'll be back > > > >