Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 30 April 2017


I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Red-Tailed Hawk in Flight
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Photo Labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Unknown said:
    I've never handled the hawks, either, although the female has considered landing on me a couple of times.

    WOW.  The only thing I'd worry about is her claws.

    I suspect your lovely pair of birds are specifically habituated to you, not to humans in general.  They have both clearly decided that friendship with you is worthwhile - but that doesn't make them any less wild.  I think any living thing should be free to decide where their friendships lie.

    Limpy thinks you're a very wise lady!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Hi all - Lurker alert. Clare- I hope you had a great day at Minsmere for their special day. I was working unfortunately but will try and get there very soon.

    Diane I have a vivid imagination and can see you and your hawks looking out for each other and do please keep sending reports like todays.

    The closest I get is a friendly robin hopping on the garden table for some meal worms - they never have fed from my hand however long I sit there.

    Stay healthy and happy everyone!

  • You too, Harelady!  Thanks for your good wishes.  I don't get close to anything exotic, either!

  • My Internet is still only working intermittently ... and of course it's a Bank Holiday so not easy to get hold of anyone to help - so I have to take advantage of the few minutes when it decides to work!  This resulted in around 350 e-mails sitting in the inbox when it finally came back online.  I wonder how long it will last this time?!?!?!

  • Oh dear, Pat. How annoying.

    Hope it gets sorted.

  • Diane , thanks for starting us off and what an intriguing story, fascinating to say the least. Let the hawks protect you and as you say , will drive into town to save any skirmishes with the owls.

    Hi Annette - oh dear - poor library book. Hope you managed to dry it out.

    Oh AQ - what a day you had I bet you were exhausted. Still, time to relax now and chill.

    Lindy - love the pic of the ele's.

    Hello to Clare, Harelady, and anyone else - have a good week.

    Off out to lunch on Tuesday with our Womens Own group from church so should be a good time.

  • Evening all:  Got lots of fiddly bits and bobs done today and am hoping to keep the momentum up through the week.

    Diane:  Interesting about the increased eagle population.  Wonder what that's all about.

    AQ: Sounds like a very hectic and exhausting day.  I could "hear" the lunchtime conversations. Very cute - at least from umpity thousand miles away. :-)

    Harelady: Always good when lurkers pop in.

    PatO: 350 e-mails?I I thought I got a lot, but apparently not.  Do hope you get the internet  working soon.

    Hi to Lindybird and Clare. I'm off to bed!

  • Good Morning.  It's been trying to rain here, but then stopped. The garden is very dry, so wouldn't mind if we had some heavy showers, really!

    My OH is groaning and bending, as his back is bothering him again. It's something he has to live with, unfortunately. I'll try and get him to do some exercises but he doesn't listen to me much - it would be better if his golfing buddies said something, LOL!! :-D

    Lots of small things to get out of the way today, before we tackle the rest of the week. It's May already!  Yay!!

  • Today's pic:

    Summer's coming!

  • OG reports that she is walking with her frame a few more times each day. So far still with supervision, but improving confidence and competence a little more each time.  Today a good demonstration this afternoon, and Sister said it will be okay for EE to do the supervision in future,as OG is doing it correctly within the approved temporary restrictions ( only partial weight on mended leg). Otherwise OG remains well, and hoping for more progress towards being allowed home soon.  Today is Bank Holiday, so no physio or occupational therapy staff available until tomorrow. EE is halfway through painting last side of last corridor door. When returned to lounge the house will be safe for EE.