Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 23 April 2017


I want to send special wishes to OG. I hope she will get out of the hospital soon!

Everyone have a wonderful week!

Women of the Shetland Isles with Shetland ponies, circa 1900
Photo labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)
Shetland Museum Photographic Archive

  • Hi all, just popping in.

    Thanks Diane for the start to the week - love the pic.

    AQ - thanks for your report on your visit, interesting to read about the gold rush.

    Lovely and sunny down here today with some cloud cover, although they say we are going to have a winter snap of weather in the next two days!!

    Well, our family home went up for auction again last Thursday but unfortunately it didn't meet its reserve price. I managed to get back from the gym in time to see our lot being auctioned having registered with an organisation on a  trial period.  Quite interesting.  Not sure what is going to happen next although brother's partner has said his solicitor is going to bring in a barrister to get an order to the effect any new landlord can't evict him.   We shall see what transpires.

    Hope all are well and that it won't be long now before OG returns home.

  • Evening all:

    Lynette: Hope things work out okay for your brother and partner re the house.

    Lindybird: Fingers crossed your acer tree will survive!

    AQ: I remember Kalgoorlie from Geography lessons!  Saskatoon, Saskatchewan (Canada) too.  Those strange-sounding names seemed so exotic to a kid in boring old Watford!  :-)   I liked the looks of Bendigo: nice old architecture and a prosperous town from all appearances.  Took GE's 3D tour of the inside of the cathedral -  a lovely mix of traditional and modern design.  The combination of those columns and arches with plain glass always strikes me (grew up with old churches full of elaborate stained glass a la York Minster).  Interesting that the churches are left open compared, as you say, to Adelaide. Wonder what that's all about.  OK. Well, I've caught up with you on Day 7; will look forward the itinerary! :-)

    Hi to OG and others out of commission or lurking. Hope it's a kind week for everyone.

    Off to bed. Whales and yoga tomorrow, but have just noticed windy weather due, so maybe no whales.... We'll see.

  • Hey, Annette. I just thought of something. Experts are now saying that there's a 50/50 chance of a government shutdown, Friday at midnight. If you need to get your passport renewed, changed, etc., you need to do that before the shutdown. I've never travelled abroad, so I don't know how often one has to renew a passport or what travel overseas entails, so maybe I'm being foolish. But I'd rather look silly, than have you be unable to travel to England for family if you need to.

    Also, if anyone you know is depending on SNAP, unemployment, military pay or pensions, health insurance, etc., they will need to plan for a shutdown. People should use the money that has already been applied to their EBT/SNAP cards, and so on.

    If any of you overseas need to do any business of any kind with the U.S. federal government (such as visas, etc.), I suggest doing it this week.

    Just trying to help.

    Hello to everyone.

  • Good Morning. Dull again here.

    I see the saga of your old home is dragging on, Lynette, not much fun for your brother and his partner with all the uncertainty.

    Diane - That sounds a rather serious situation. Kind of you to warn people.

    Stuff to do this morning, then off out to the cinema with Friend.

  • Here's today's pic:

    "I want to watch David Attenborough...."

  • LYNETTE   Hope things are sorted out soon for your brother and his partner. They must be living on a knife edge at the moment.

    HEATHER   May have left it too late but wish you a good time in Denmark.

  • OG says "Thanks for kind thoughts. Bit disappointed  today as I am only partially weight-bearing, for another five weeks, rather than fully so. However, this does mean goodbye to the splint and hoist, and I am already beginning to transfer from bed to chair etc. using a 'pulpit' walking aid - and the physio has hopes that I will be promoted to a zimmer by Friday."

    EE says "Disappointed tears, but a little more time to get house tidy for return - hopefully only a few weeks to wait now (I'm hoping for return home, perhaps with zimmer and any other needed aid, before next clinic visit to Dumfries on May 29)".

    All for now from both of us.

  • Thanks for the update, Eagle Eye.  I know it's frustrating for her but at least it sounds like she's steadily improving!  Our thoughts are still with you both.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Diane: Thanks for the latest. Passport is good for another 6 years.   The budget battle is going to be interesting, what with Mexico being so difficult about paying for the wall, etc., etc..  :-) I see Mr. T is holding yet another rally. Is he running for something?

    EE: Jiminy! Can't imagine being stuck in a hospital that long. I'm sure if OG could run or even walk, she would've been long gone. No chance you could smuggle her out in the laundry basket or something....or a wheelchair?  But in a hospital that small, they'd probably notice.   Crikey. Huge hugs to her - and you.

    AQ: Am reading a book about Thomas Meagher, a high-born Irish rebel who was transported to OZ (Tasmania actually) before eventually coming to the States to become a Civil War hero and acting Governor of Montana.  I was wondering how much OZ's penal colony past is acknowledged these days. Did some of these folks form the basis of an elite class at some point? (I'm thinking gold miners, etc., or am I way off!?)

    Going to try a Tai Chi class this morning as a way to prevent any future wobbliness....

    Take care all

  • So sorry to hear from EE that OG is still in the hospital, it must be so frustrating for her. I hope she gets better very soon.