Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 23 April 2017


I want to send special wishes to OG. I hope she will get out of the hospital soon!

Everyone have a wonderful week!

Women of the Shetland Isles with Shetland ponies, circa 1900
Photo labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)
Shetland Museum Photographic Archive

  • Unknown said:
    Is he running for something?

    The toilet?  For a thoroughly good Trump?

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Clare:  Well he's certainly full of hot air!

  • I suspect that applies to politicians everywhere.  Especially here and now, with a General Election looming........joy.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Oh, heck! Poor OG!   Such a shame that she will still have to wait to go home. Thanks for your news, E-E.  Let's hope that the weeks will pass quickly.

    I've been out most of the day - this afternoon, to the cinema with Friend, to see "Their Finest" , a film set during the second World War. It starred Gemma Arterton, and had a famous cast including a small part by Jeremy Irons, the great Eddie Marsan, and with every scene he was in, stolen by the wonderful Bill Nighy.

    We enjoyed it very much and I told my OH that he would have done, too. Gemma A puts in a good performance, being in most scenes, and as I said Bill Nighy was excellent. The story covers a group of people struggling to produce the Home Office information films with limited resources, and a skeleton staff. It is described as a Comedy Drama, and is certainly both. A lot of effort went into making everything true to the feeling of the era. The characters are having to try and survive the hardships and uncertainty of the times.

    Dibnlib:  we entered during the noisy adverts and trailers, which were as usual being played over loudly, but after that, the film didn't seem to be particularly loud. It was an Odeon cinema.

  • Clare - Ithink you meant Oooh.......Joy?!

  • LINDY    Thanks for the review. I am sure we will go again, but will give the trailers a miss and go in just as the film starts.

    OG/EE   Sorry you have a few more weeks to wait.

    Dentist again tomorrow, then there should be just one more at the end of May for completion.

  • Thanks EE for the update.  OG keep your pecker up. At least you are getting a little more mobile now.  Hope J's visit went well.

    Well, snow on the nest and a promise maybe of some down here by Wed. Hmmm, we'll have to wait and see.

  • Lindy - just love the pick of the kitten and remote control - apt comment.

  • Anzac Day. Dawn services and later in morning marches to remember those who served in war. Dawn because our diggers landed at Gallipoli at dawn this day 1915.


    On the rare occasions I go to movies, I take cotton wool for my ears, otherwise the sound is too painful to endure.


    Annette – Tracing one’s family history is big business in Aussieland. Finding a convict transported from England or Ireland is highly sought after. While some were hanged for further crimes & a few became bushrangers, most gained their “ticket-of-leave” (parole), settled, worked, married and led a productive life. The first generation born were called “currency lads & lasses”, while the free settlers born in British Isles were known as “sterlings”. I don’t know how many generations it took for the shame to become pride.

    You may wish to Google these for their stories - Francis Greenway. Simeon Lord. Mary Reibey. Mary Bryant. Or read this.

    Six Irish Fenians escaped from WA on the Catalpa to America.

    Our state was founded by free settlers and the only transported convicts who came here were either escapees or “ticket-of-leave”.

  • Good Morning on a frosty day! Just rewriting this, as my OH came in to talk to me and I lost the lot! 

    Winter will not let go yet - poor EJ sitting on her chilly nest. Thankfully it's forecast that the cold winds will turn around tomorrow and by Thursday it will get warmer.