Egg #2 presented to us yesterday, which was otherwise a day of nuisances - corvids (I'm told Ravens, not Crows) and nest materials both contributing - the wind apologised and, displaying sincerity, blew that dang twiggy branch right off o' the nest.
Golden Girl:
(Actually a marmelised Moffer snap.)
Tonight EJ has been watchful but there have been no disturbances of note.
Here's EJ - chirp-chirp where's my fish?
MIKE has broken the news that there are FOUR EGGS at Manton Bay !!!
Lol. Get me FISH NOW!
Birdie Num Num's brilliant DU summary 2017
Odin gets up, moves the eggs and sits again. EJ's not happy. Who is alarm chirping???
Odin's up and flown......and back to mate
EJ continues to call for fish
EJ is quiet. I hope Odin has gone for a fish
Whoever said "Silence is Golden" must have heard one of EJ's fish calling marathons.
She's still quiet.
Alarm warning at a Crow (heard not seen)
No change. EJ silently waits