The sad sight of a lonely dark nest. I think I was not the only one who thought Odin would have arrived yesterday. However, it may be right that he would wait to show his Magnificent Self on scylla's birthday! For certain, we will have our eyes peeled.
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Birdie Num Num's brilliant DU summary 2017
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UFO at Loch Garten!
© Scottish Wildlife Trust - Loch of the Lowes
OH!!! Okay - now that makes sense. Back to analyzing that "unidentified" male???
Is it maybe odin lookalike? Or is she just miffed at lack of gifts
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018
So is Odin confirmed or is this an intruding male or are there two this afternoon odin and an other
No idea what's going on.
Tried to capture that, and my laptop went haywire! >;{
Was that an ATTEMPTED mating? At this point, EJ can't be sure Odin is returning, so she can't be totally unreceptive to a different male, is my thinking... and while he holds no candle to Odin, he is a rather dashing lad...