Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 26 March 2017


I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Welcome back, EJ! I hope Odin is on his way.

Great Egret in a cypress grove, Everglades National Park, Florida
U.S. National Park Service photo
Labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Hope you can get a tripod big enough, Clare!

    Dull here but stopped drizzling for now. Doing a few chores, then off to have lunch out for my OH's birthday. He was depressed at how quickly the years fly, but I quoted him  T shirt slogan I'd seen:

    "Just remember once you're over the hill, you begin to pick up speed!"

    Edit:  His sister gave him a card with a Bonnie type picture on it, and she's already chewed it!!!

  • AQ: If I don't get a chance to catch up before you go, have a super holiday. It'll give me a chance to go over your day-trip itinerary!

    Lindybird: Hope lunch was good and that OH isn't too worried about celebrating yet another birthday.

  • Thanks Annette - yes, we enjoyed our lunch which was my OHs choice of going to a pub we know with a good carvery. I'm always transfixed by the desserts cabinet near the counter, which displays the choice of tarts and gateaux - we chose a "chocolate with chocolate" one and they boxed it up so we could take it home! - So after an interval, we had half each of a big slice, with a cup of tea. Rest of the afternoon taken up by visitors bearing cards and good wishes.

    All of the visitors made a huge fuss of Bonnie. I had to keep from yawning, as a glass of wine at lunchtime is fatal - it makes me sleepy!

    EDIT -- My OH is always grumpy about being a year older, he doesn't really do birthdays very well, but I jolly him along.....

  • No Odin, alas I won't know any news of him for 9-10 days. Packed & ready, I only have to get OH moving in the morn to chauffeur me to train. Bye all.

  • Bye AQ!!  --  Have a wonderful time, and come back with lots of pics for us. Hope your journeys are all good ones.

  • Good Morning, Everyone.  Went to bed tired and early last night after a busy day.

    Dull here, but not raining, and just heard that it's going to be very warm today! An item on the BBC News about the recent Garden Birdwatch saying that the number of robins in our gardens is up, hooray!

    Have a good day, everyone.  Here's today's pic:

  • Good morning -

    It is quite dull here but I live in hope of some sun.

    I'm glad that you and your OH had a lovely lunch, LINDY!

    Not a lot going on here except the gas boiler and its control panel downstairs have stopped talking to each other. I'm about to phone Scottish Gas and request a visit.

    My son's new business venture (shop selling whisky and other tipples) opens today. I'm going down there in two weeks time to inspect it. Driving to Shropshire with eldest daughter, her OH and my granddaughter Katie.

    Have a good day, ALL.

  • Hi all long time since ive been on here

  • Hi, Alicat!  Great to see you.  How are you?

    EDIT:  Is your old profile not working?

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.