Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 12 March 2017


Sunday is the March Full Moon.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

San Joaquin Kit Fox, the smallest species of fox in North America and
one of California's most endangered animals
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service photo
Labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Phew!  Been busy, busy......  got several lots of laundry done, as rain forecast for later today and for the next few days. Emptied lots of stuff from our cases, wondering why we need so much! Read and discarded piles of mail and junk mail. Had a welcome break with a cuppa, talking on the phone. Then tackled my emails -- OMG. Nearly 500 to get through.

    Thanks for the news of OG, Heather. Good that she is seeing progress, however small.  I see you say she is now in the local hospital, which was only being discussed when I left. Much better, I'm sure.  I will try to find time to read back over the threads, although it may take me a while!

    Thanks too, for your welcome back. I feel as if we've been away for six months, it's so strange to be back home. I keep looking for things which I put away to leave the place tidy. Ha!

    Sorry you're feeling alone, it's understandable. You must have mixed feelings every day, adjusting your life. Try to keep busy, even if it's only spring cleaning a few cupboards or sorting out a drawer, until you can get out into the garden for some serious gardening when the weather is better. You will have to ease yourself into a new way of doing things, and new ways of thinking. It sounds like a good idea, taking up the invitation to Denmark. I read about a woman who was widowed and then vowed never to say "No" to any invitation - she sat through a few strange theatre outings and some boring dinners with well meaning friends, but said that those were far outweighed by the joys of getting out and about and discovering new things in life. I hope you can view the year with optimism, and say to yourself that your loneliness is only to be expected, but the good days will gradually outnumber the not so good ones. {{HUGS}}

  • Just read the beginning of this thread, and thanks to Diane for starting us off with the beautiful small fox, lovely. The full moon mentioned was very evident to us on holiday, with a huge bright disc in the sky for several nights, which I saw well in the early hours when I was up to "inspect the plumbing" as we used to say. It lit up the beach and coastline as if there were a huge ghostly headlight in the sky. No wonder ancient peoples were superstitious about it.

  • Heather B said:
    OG phoned last night. She was taken for her check up at the Breast Clinic and was very happy to hear that all is well. The powers that be in her local hospital have provided her with a better chair, and so she was able to sit more comfortably, and with her knee bent a little. Progress!

    Yay!  Really good to hear this.

    Heather B said:
    I've received an invitation to Denmark for the end of April. A retirement bash and a few days later, the thirtieth birthday of our friends' son. I think that I will go. I really need to have some plans in place.

    I'm pleased to hear this.  It'll do you the world of good to go - and I agree it's good to have plans in place and have things to look forward to.  You should have a great time!

    Heather B said:
    Still getting caught out by teary episodes.

    That's natural, and you'll be getting them for some time to come.  Just make sure you talk to someone if they take over your life.  Nobody has a set timetable for mourning.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • By the way, there's an osprey at the Loch of the Lowes!!!  No ID confirmation yet.

    EDIT: They don't think it was one of theirs, and he's since left!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Thank you, CLARE and LINDY. I am determined to make new routines, Bill would hate to think that I was wimping around. As you say, LINDY, not long now before gardening will take up time.

    I have booked flights to Denmark! Decided to do it there and then before I invented excuses not to go :-)

  • Well done, Heather!  That was a huge step.  Now you have something to look forward to and plan for - and I'm sure you will have a great time.  There will still be not-so-good days, I'm sure - but they will get fewer as time passes.  It's still very early days for you, so don't be hard on yourself ... go with the flow, as they say.

  • Heather: Trip to Denmark sounds like just what the doctor ordered!  Are you Danish friends still planning on coming there in May? Or maybe you might plan more trips there? Thanks for update on OG.

    Lindybird: We'll expect to hear about your trip when the laundry's taken care of.

    Clare: I like the way the hare popped up in the middle of all your bird pix.  :-)

    Have been wondering how Djoan is doing; also Forestbear, and assume that Mike has heard no more from Chris.

    We have more rain due early next week!  Hurray.  The garden has gone mad and while I was out walking this morning I noticed the blossoming trees can barely contain themselves what with all the buds!  Our orange tree, which hasn't blossomed much these last few years of the drought, is full of buds. All very heady.

  • Thanks PAT and ANNETTE for kind words. ANNETTE- I don't know,when the Danes will come here, they do usually arrive in May but because I'm going there late April/ early May, it may be Autumn before they visit.

    I'm also thinking about JOAN.

  • ANNETTE  There is snow on mountains behind Ben Wyvis and in the far distance some cloud.

    HEATHER   Well done on booking your holiday with friends in Denmark.

    Benson has had a short back and sides. I prefer it a bit longer, but it is much more practical short.   Just love the wee rescue Jackie who had such a great time doing the agility at Crufts. Must remember to watch Scrufts tomorrow evening.

  • ANNETTE- does that mean even more oranges than usual? The mind boggles :-)