Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 12 March 2017


Sunday is the March Full Moon.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

San Joaquin Kit Fox, the smallest species of fox in North America and
one of California's most endangered animals
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service photo
Labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Hello all

    Thank you for all your news, I'm up to date but sorry that I'm not joining in properly. After a week of feeling very shoddy, finally feeling better, thank goodness. Enforced idleness did my mental state no good at all :-(  Anyway! - managed an hour of gardening today.

    OG was due to get her post surgery check up today, but her consultant is off sick, so it was a no go.

    Thanks again for all your news and photos from CLARE.

  • Good to see you back, Heather - if you had what we had last month please take it easy as it took me weeks to start feeling at all human again.

    I hope OG's consultant is feeling better soon and that OG continues to recover.

    Thanks for the job wishes, Dibnlib!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Welcome back Heather and thanks for update on OG..

    She must be going stir crazy by now:-(

    Big HW day tomorrow as leave 6.15 on Wednesday on my road trip .

    Sorted freezers out today as Himself can easily select an home made ready meal easily. My usual morning dog walker is on notice to remind him to get something out .

    Asda and Tesco orders organised for Daisy's vegetables.

    Very little internet or phone signal from Friday onwards so might miss EJs arrival.

  • WENDY- I'm so happy that you got the all clear to go on your holiday. Have a wonderful time!

  • I know I will Heather...

    Take care of yourself and be positive as I know you can be.

  • Evening all:  Lovely spring like day here.

    AQ: Happy knitting!

    Heather: Glad you're feeling somewhat better.  Hope the gardening helped. I find it therapeutic, but haven't had the same things on my mind as you have... Thanks for the (non)update on OG. Fingers crossed her consultant gets back on the job soon.

    Wendyb: Have a wonderful trip!

    I'm being taken out for a very delayed birthday lunch by my friend tomorrow. We're going for salmon salad at a nice little cafe, but it has ghastly coffee so we're planning to decamp to a nearby place where we know the desserts and coffee are yummy.  

    Hope Tuesday is kind to all.

  • WENDY   safe journey and enjoy y9our hols.

  • Morning - afternoon? - anyone?  :-)

  • Hello ANNETTE! And ANYONE:-)

    Having read about terrible snowstorms on the east US coast, I hesitate to mention the cold, windy and rainy day we are having in Inverness. DIBNLIB- I bet that Benson didn't want a walk today!

    I have heard from LINDY. They will be travelling home tomorrow. After three weeks they will be looking forward to being reunited with Bonnie.

    Got my hair cut this morning. It seems to have got really thin :-( Hairdresser said that shock often has that effect.

    Hope that ANNETTE enjoys her salmon salad today. Plus cakes afterwards!

  • I'm around.  It's certainly very quiet here today.  I guess everyone's looking at all the other threads and getting excited about webcams coming on ... and hoping the ospreys will arrive back safely and soon.  An exciting time.

    Can't believe Lindy has been away for three weeks ... how time flies.  Hope she's had a good holiday.

    Heather, hopefully your hair will return to its former thickness soon.  Shock does so many different things to our bodies ...

    Hope the weather around Inverness mellows soon.  Those poor birds, coming from Africa to the worst aspects of a Scottish spring ... and it can be so beautiful.  Hopefully things will change over the next few days.