The 2017 season is almost upon us and my first thoughts are of 03(97) / Mr Rutland as he was usually the first back on or around the 17th March and heralded the start of the season. 

03(97) - Mr Rutland   ........  Copyright "LRWT- John Wright"

Sadly 03(97) is no longer with us but it is nice to think of him and smile knowing his legacy will live on as we now eagerly await the safe return of all the regulars and also new returnees.

A safe journey to all.

  • Good morning all. Karen hope you are well and great to see you posting again. I always enjoy your comments specially on Blue33 and Maya! Would be great to see 30(10) return to nestB.

    I agree I would not like the EGs at the Bay because they prevented 51(11) and 2j from settling properly at the new nest site. Hope they will breed this year :)

  • Hi WILLOW - good to see you :-).  I was actually just thinking about you when thinking of the season ahead and other wishes I have.

    We both often speak of S1, S2 and S3 and they will be 2 year olds this year.  I watched them from hatch to fledge and just have a soft spot for them - the same as you having seen them when you visited Rutland.

    I really hope they make it back.

  • I remember being so pleased to see S1,S2 and S3 flying around dipping their feet in the water it was the first time Id seen ospreys in the"flesh"!

    I am really looking forward to the coming season and the entertaining lovable Blue33. Safe journey home to all of them!

  • Karen W said:

    And as for these EGs SCYLLA, I am not sure about wanting to see them!  

    In fact, I just hope they stay clear of Lagoon 4!  They really are quite vicious and I really felt sorry for 51(11) last year - they gave him a really hard time.  

    I only follow Mrs5R/Maya and Blue33's nest, and then only when LG is inactive, so I didn't know that the EGs had caused such a problem - I had the impression that ospreys could deal with them.  What a shame for 51 and 2J and I wish them dominance this season!

    Hiya WILLOW! :)

  • SCYLLA, it was a real shame.    And apologies from me folks, I have just noticed my typo - the female was 3J not 2J.   Anyway SCYLLA, 3J had actually laid eggs and the EGs attacked the nest.    All was lost :-(

    Here is the link to the blog  - Walk Like An Egyptian

  • Karen W said:
    Here is the link to the blog  - Walk Like An Egyptian


    Ospreys could do some real damage if they wanted to, but they rarely do, osprey rivals excepted.  It's not as if they miss their target accidentally, surely?!

    I hope the osprey couple will find each other, or at least a replacement, this season :)

  • Thanks, Karen, for the thread and the link to that blog.  I remember that the nest on Lagoon 4 had failed but must have missed that blog the first time around.  Fingers crossed that 51 and 3J return and either pair up with each other again or find new partners.  Apparently, a failed nesting attempt can mean the pair 'divorces' and since this was a first-time-pairing I would not be surprised if they split up.  But I hope that both return safely.  We shall see what happens next--fingers crossed!

    Kind regards, Ann

  • A new thread - Manton Bay - March 2017 has now been set up for recording all the day to day activity of the nest thus keeping this thread for general news on all the other birds, nests and projects.

    Hope no one minds, but agree that keeping Manton Bay records together/separate makes it easier to follow.


  • Unknown said:
    Apparently, a failed nesting attempt can mean the pair 'divorces' and since this was a first-time-pairing I would not be surprised if they split up.

    Thanks for this info Gardenbirder, I never knew this could mean they split.  I did notice in the blog the comment about 51(11) sitting alone on another platform and no further mention of 3J.   How sad, just makes the situation more awful.

    But as you say, hopefully they will both return and if they don't pair up again, well lets hope they each find new partners.

  • Many thanks, Karen, for starting a separate thread. As last year, I think it is a good idea!

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018