Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 5 March 2017


My trees are budding out already! Spring is arriving three weeks early this year in my area, according to the scientists.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Western Tanager
Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge, Wyoming
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Photo
Labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Good morning, all!  I imagine one or two of you would like to look at the photos I took at Felixstowe Ferry yesterday - click on the three men in a boat to see more:

    There a link to a second thread at the end of this one which you might want to investigate.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • ForestBoar said:
    Finally back in. The PC still had a problem after repair and update of hard drive/motherboard/RAM.

    Nice to see you back.  We're having a few problems with ours.

    ForestBoar said:
    New VW Caddy Life arrived a day late last Tuesday lunchtime. It was like selling a horse and cart and buying a jumbojet! Fully automatic tailgate end, at the push of a button the rear suspension drops down, the tailgate opens and the ramp drops down. No more manual handling. All the wheelchair straps can be accessed from the outside meaning no bending double. Back has already said thank you!

    Sounds fantastic!  Looks like there'll be no stopping the pair of you now.

    ForestBoar said:
    The trial was due to start over my brother's death last Wednesday and the police said they would keep us informed – still waiting.

    I hope they keep their promise.  Our thoughts will be with you as it's clearly going to be a stressful time for you.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Morning all:

    ForestBoar: Hurray for the computer fix - and especially the new vehicle. What a blessing that must be. Any idea when Welcome Break will install the accessible facilities?  Hope it's before your trip.   I had no idea there'd be a trial in connection with your brother's death. Don't want to pry but what was the other party charged with (DUI/Reckless driving??)

    AQ: Hmmm. That's interesting about the apparently patchwork quilt and clearly not-thought-through approach to renewable energy sources. When I drive through the San Gorgonio Pass (just before Palm Springs) on my AZ trips, I see some of those windmills working and others not and wonder why (actually I did hear why but have forgotten!). The US is very late to the solar energy game and if the Orange Menace has his delusional way, we'll all be digging for coal and invading oil-rich countries again. (What an absolute fiasco it all is but don't get me started!).

    Clare: Hey! Talking of world leaders, are those three guys in the tub available?

    Off to start the day. Plan to waddle into the gym today to flap arms and legs a bit....

  • Annette: The charge is death by careless driving, a lesser charge than dangerous driving but next routes depend on the defendants plea.

  • ForestBoar: That's sad, to say the least. Hope he/she gets more than a slap on the wrist.

  • Unknown said:
    Hey! Talking of world leaders, are those three guys in the tub available?

    I wish they were.  The bloke on the right is actually my ex-managing director - he's a really nice bloke, straight talking and caring.  The workplace he ran absolutely ruined me for anywhere less civilised!  I wish more companies really looked after their staff.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • FB. Hope things resolve for you and glad you have new wheels to aid you.

    AQ - do hope the premier will apply common sense re alternative energy and let the old methods continue until a new one is fully up and running.  

    Clare - love your pics

    Went out for lunch today and apart from a couple of glitches re ordering etc we had a pleasant time.   Off to the gym tomorrow for a swim although these days only do a few lengths.

  • Clare Bailey said:
    That sounds absolutely mad, Aquilareen.  They shouldn't be shutting down sources of essential power until they've got a reliable alternative.  However do things like hospitals run?

    Clare – Hospitals have to have own generators. However last year in the big power outage a generator failure caused the loss of 50 IVF embryos. And just yesterday roadworks cut through a cable disrupting radiology & pathology at same hospital. Restored after 8 hours, now they are arguing whether patient care was affected. Ho hum. Our water mains burst daily with houses & businesses flooded, sometimes same street – too few staff to respond for hours, no money except to patch.


    Lynette – Premier has no common sense, also no money except for grandiose projects, eg $40 million footbridge over River to assist football fans. Then there is the world’s 3rd most expensive building, our New Adelaide Hospital at $2.1 billion (mind boggles), already a year late, supposed to be finished but not ready to be used until . . ah, I guess by next year’s election.


    I discovered a colony of ants in cupboard under my laundry sink. I threw everything onto back lawn, in the sun, before I started decluttering. I was not planning on a cleanup & throw out session today <sigh>.


    I’ve been waiting all pm for return call to my inquiry whether car will be repaired by tomorrow. They did say 10 working days. I rang again. Insert sweary words. It won’t be ready til end of next week. Monday is a public holiday (Adelaide Cup day – horse race). Loan car is OK but not mine. And being red, it is so much hotter in sun than my white car.


    Enough grumbles, I shall go & inspect fridge for eats for tea.

  • aquilareen said:
    Hospitals have to have own generators. However last year in the big power outage a generator failure caused the loss of 50 IVF embryos. And just yesterday roadworks cut through a cable disrupting radiology & pathology at same hospital. Restored after 8 hours, now they are arguing whether patient care was affected. Ho hum. Our water mains burst daily with houses & businesses flooded, sometimes same street – too few staff to respond for hours, no money except to patch.

    Blimey.  I think there would be rioting here if that lot was going on in Britain.

    aquilareen said:
    Premier has no common sense, also no money except for grandiose projects, eg $40 million footbridge over River to assist football fans. Then there is the world’s 3rd most expensive building, our New Adelaide Hospital at $2.1 billion (mind boggles), already a year late, supposed to be finished but not ready to be used until . . ah, I guess by next year’s election.

    Words fail me.  Saying that, there's a ludicrously expensive project being pushed for in London - the Garden Bridge.  Every time I hear about it the projected cost has gone up, and the people behind it want a ridiculous amount of money for it.  It's a beautiful idea but with all the problems in London I'd rather any available money went towards helping people on a normal income finding affordable homes to rent or buy in the city, as the whole housing situation has got hopelessly bad.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • FORESTBOAR   That new transport sounds terrific. It will make life so much easier for you. Hope things get sorted out soonest re your bros fatal accident.

    OH drove us down to Linlithgow and back yesterday. This meant over 6 hours driving. We took Benson as he loves the car. The journey down was pretty bad with lots of torrential rain and sleet. Mum has now been in the community hospital for 10 days. She looked settled and certainly much better than when she was at home. She is now well cared of and being helped to eat and drink. She will be there up to 12 weeks by which time my bro will be expected to find a permanent care home for her to move into.   We are both tired today as we find the whole think rather stressful.