An early spring morning at the Ferry.

I love it when Spring is springing itself on us - everything seems to liven up at once.  After getting some necessary stuff out of the way I grabbed my camera and headed to a very sunny Felixstowe Ferry.  I do wish, though, that I'd just been that little bit quicker:

Just as I got to the waterfront this seal was floating around at the end of the jetty - just as I raised my camera it disappeared under the water, only to reappear all the way down here!  Rats.

I love seeing cormorants flying over but I wish they'd do it at less height.

'You again?  You'd better do me justice.'

'What do you mean, nice tutu?  I won't successfully pull with you coming out with stuff like that!'

Crows fly so gracefully and to see the feathers gleaming in the sun is always a bonus.

This redshank was a fair distance away - I was pleased to get a snap of it that came out at all!

Discussing the state of the world in a perfect, secluded spot.  Actually, they'd do a better job than many at sorting it out.

Hard at work.  I love the name of this boat - Willy Boy!

Not quite an adult but getting there.

Yes, you'd make a fine figurehead - but you're sitting in the wrong place.

This pair of herring gulls suggest it's high time I started paying them model fees as I snap them so often

What do you mean, no?  We are clearly high quality photographic subjects.

Finishing off with a nice, refreshing bath.

If you'd like to look at the only bird I left off this thread, click here.

Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.