Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 5 March 2017


My trees are budding out already! Spring is arriving three weeks early this year in my area, according to the scientists.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Western Tanager
Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge, Wyoming
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Photo
Labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Starling said:
    My parents paid for the whole lot though, and it's such a shame I was so ungrateful as I didn't want all that fuss, but both sets of parents did.  

    What a shame.  I always think the people actually getting married should get to say exactly how they'd like their wedding to be.  I would have hated a big, fussy one.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • So Clare it was so different..

    I made M in Law wear a red nose...

    No cake but individual puds of guests choice on the day. not sure lunch was big enough for F in L as he took youngest to get fish and chips after we escaped for a few days:-)

    Even took my flowers to first husbands grave..

    Not mecarbre at all as new OH knew  him and thought it a good idea.

    We all still talk about him as he is my girls Dad and a big part of our lives.

  • Hard to believe it will be 37 years since we were married.   Had a bit of a mishap with the guard of honour. It was meant to be 6 but one of the guard left it a bit last minute and caught the last possible train from London to Edinburgh. The train broke down at Prestonpans so he didn't make it. Guard then became 4.

  • Poor OG incarcerated without internet. {{{HUGS}}}


    I was the last dau to marry. Mother thought she should continue organise. I chose a small venue for reception, so she could not invite everyone who had come previous weddings. Great anguish as she pruned her list of people I didn’t know! I chose a simple dress, no veil & pants suit for going-away. More shock, horror. Despite not doing it “properly”, OH & I have survived 43 years. I recently heard of a couple, second marriage, and they eloped to avoid kerfuffle.


    Nanny duty for moi today. Still summer heat 34 C, though autumn should cool down soon (please?). Owing to sad state of our electricity supply, we can expect power outages again today.

  • Hi all.

    Wendy - enjoy your holiday - 650 miles road trip, where are you making for before going to Lundy? Although you did marry again, you kept it simple and for yourselves, how lovely. We all have memories to cherish.

    Annette - poor you, bet you were glad to get home, take it easy for a day or two and recover.

    Been quite a reasonable day today and spring is in the air with the birds singing and bulbs popping up.

    Clare - those saus's sounded yum but not a great fan of saus's. Had cereal and fruit tea for breakie today, banana & yoghurt tomorrow with a fruit tea.  That list for a wedding etc, how exhausting.  Fortunately I didn't have to lift hardly a finger as my mum and mainly my dad organized everything as I was working away from home and living in Nottingham at the time. The only thing I really had to do was come home a week before the wedding and pop into Manchester for my trousseau and a pair of wedding shoes ( those were the problem, took me ages to find a pair).

  • Just thought I'd post a couple of pics - one of the Laysan albatross chick and the other of an adult

    copyright of Cornell Lab bird cams

  • Evening all:  Gradually getting back to normal here.

    Clare: Nothing sad about 18 years with Limpy.  I'm thinking this must be our 15th wedding anniversary or thereabouts....awful that I have to go looking for the certificate.  Our wedding was in my back garden with daughter, granddaughter and grandson and OH's best friend, his wife and daughter. Outfits ranged from granddaughter's full-length junior prom dress to best friend's daughter's blue jeans.  Cheap and cheerful!

    WendyB: Had to Google Red Nose Day.

    dibnlib: Hope your 5th guard of honor didn't mind being sidelined.

    AQ: You'll be off on your trip in another week or two, right? Hope it'll be cooler by then.  What's with the electricity? You're not out in the boonies are you?

    Hi to PatO and Lynette!

  • Annette - Our premier wants to be famous for the world’s first renewable energy supply. Trouble is that wind farms don’t work when it is hot (no wind) or when it is too windy. I am told solar panels don’t work when too hot either. Our coal-fired power station has been closed & is demolishing. Our gas-fired station is aging and doesn’t work well anymore. So to top up needed power, our state is relying on connectors with another state (which just happens to be using that naughty coal). Businesses have suffered numerous outages, lost money and are either buying own generators or going broke & closing. Last week on a blazing hot day, we were asked to restrict out use of air/con. I know is is a good thing to reduce carbon, but Aussieland contributes so little and SA even less, will the world notice.

  • That sounds absolutely mad, Aquilareen.  They shouldn't be shutting down sources of essential power until they've got a reliable alternative.  However do things like hospitals run?

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Finally back in. The PC still had a problem after repair and update of hard drive/motherboard/RAM. New VW Caddy Life arrived a day late last Tuesday lunchtime. It was like selling a horse and cart and buying a jumbojet! Fully automatic tailgate end, at the push of a button the rear suspension drops down, the tailgate opens and the ramp drops down. No more manual handling. All the wheelchair straps can be accessed from the outside meaning no bending double. Back has already said thank you! Getting used to the controls a little slowly. On our first trip out had to clear condensation from the screen, a problem when you are high enough to be in the clouds. It didn't help to discover that I had turned the rear window on, not the windscreen! If Welcome Break install their Changing places fully disabled access toilet at Gretna Green, the first place they are installing them in all their premises, it should be a breeze going back to the Cairngorms and Loch Garten.

    Thoughts go out to all those suffering in one form or another. The trial was due to start over my brother's death last Wednesday and the police said they would keep us informed – still waiting.