Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 5 March 2017


My trees are budding out already! Spring is arriving three weeks early this year in my area, according to the scientists.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Western Tanager
Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge, Wyoming
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Photo
Labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Hi, everyone.

    I thought I would tell you all that I have seen the red-tailed hawk pair: R.T. Hawk and his pale mate.

    I walked up to my local small town to visit the bank. I live in a wooded valley, and I have to walk up a steep hill to reach town. I was climbing, and I looked up and both birds were in the air above me.

    One or the other of them usually accompanies me to town. I don't know why they do that. I'd like to think that they are protecting me, but I don't like to anthropomorphize wildlife. I've read that red-tailed hawks are very curious birds and will often take a keen interest in what humans are doing, so maybe they just want to see what I'm up to. The female usually watches me when I work on my car (charge the battery or inflate tires) or mow the grass.

    Once I reached the top of the hill, R.T. left to fly back to the flood plain behind my house, but the female stayed with me. She actually waited while I went into the bank, and she flew above me in circles until I arrived at my driveway back home.

    I think she deserves a name of her own, not just "R.T.'s mate", so I'm calling her Sister Hawk, because she seems like a relative to me.

    I'll be back to post some replies.

  • Hey Diane: It's sort of comforting to know you have a watchful escort in Sister Hawk as you go about your day.  Thank you for the New week and news of the coming spring.  I drove up to Prescott on Tuesday and was struck by how green the desert floor was from all the rain, but no signs of spring. Today, coming back down to I-10 on Route 60, I was amazed to see the yellow Desert Poppy blooming alongside the road and one Ocotillo with the first red blossoms at its tips.

    Completely knackered from this trip. I went to give the official seal of approval to a house we're helping my granddaughter buy. It has a separate "granny" suite where my daughter can stay during her increasingly longer stays in AZ. It's been beautifully kept up, is on two acres, one of which will be for the horses (the family next door has llamas). It's very close to Ms. D's school and the school bus stops right outside the house. All the inspections have been done but two, which shouldn't present a problem. If all continues to go well, escrow should close on March 24. The town is growing - lots and lots of open land. It's amazing to think what a comparable property would cost near us in California.

    Anyway, I'm heading back to Santa Barbara first thing; will catch  up tomorrow evening!

    Here's to a kind week to all.

  • Good morning, all!  Nice to have such positive posts to start the week off - the tanager is stunning and I was delighted to hear about Diane's distant companions!  I've just Googled the desert poppy and the ocotillo and I'm glad I did - they are both beautiful.  The ocotillo reminds me of our red hot poker.

    It's a beautiful sunny morning here but rain is forecast from mid-morning.

    Have a nice day, everyone.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Glad you have sun Clare. It is snowing here in Wales!!!! A day to stay in I think and watch the birds on the feeders.

  • It was bucketing down when I went out to church.  The rain battered the roof.  Then when we came out the sun was shining.  Now it's raining again ... and it's not even April!

  • DIANE    Thank you for starting us off. Just love the idea of "Sister hawk" accompanying you on your walks and watching over you in the garden.

    Weather started pretty grim but the rain was lessening so Benson came out for a walk. We then did a little shopping and drove to Tiso for coffee. The weather has been brightening all the time. We plan on going to Dingwall later for a Thai meal prior to going to Eden Court to see "Fleetwood Mac Rumours" should be good.

  • Message from OG

    Hi! OG here (but EE typing - still no Wi-Fi at hospital).  Today is three weeks since leg surgery, so I decided to write a message to mark the day!  So, so bored - so too much thinking time and still getting told off for getting panicky about all the peripheral stuff concerned with being immobile.  EE hasn't got time to print out all your news for me.  Looks like I'll be flapping my wings and racing EJ home!

  • PatO You've got a couple of weeks before you can see if March goes out like a lamb.

    Rusty: Whereabouts in Wales do you live? Any signs of spring in between the snow?

    dibnlib: I bought the Rumors album when it came out years ago. I keep meaning to find a listing of all the hits of the past - ahem - several decades to download them onto my iPhone. When I do these long drives where the only radio stations are either Evangelical, Country-Western or in Spanish, I download podcasts from NPR (science/books/current affairs, etc) and it really helps pass the time.

    OG: Great to hear from you, but how frustrated you must feel. You will have to fill us in on all the details when you get home. Are you getting any physio therapy there? Surely so.

    About to hose down, grab breakfast in the motel's lobby, then leap into the car and head home - a 5 hour drive. The humidity in the desert is so low, it dries you up. I always look forward to the drive down the hill from the LA area to the coast where my skin suddenly 'relaxes.'  Moisture!

  • Annette, we have crocus and daffodils blooming here in Wales and the grass is growing.

    I have seen sparrows with nesting material in their beaks. So, definite signs of spring.

    This morning's snow has all gone.

  • Diane - thank you for starting us off again.   What a lovely story about your hawks, I hope they continue to watch over you and that you have great pleasure watching their antics etc.

    Annette - glad to see that you seem happy with the house your GD is buying - do hope that it is successful. Safe journey back to SB.  Hope you landed home safely and the drive down was pretty uneventful.

    Weather here was pretty miserable first thing when going to church but brightened up and even some sunshine in the afternoon before clouding over again.

    EE- thank you for conveying OG's thoughts.  Yes, it must be frustrating being in bed for long periods but hopefully the rest is helping to heal the body.   Stay cheerful and come back to us soon.

    Rusty2 - that's great to hear and spring is in the air here in Northants as well, with the daffs beginning to bloom and the grass growing too.