I now have a connection with the Carnyx Wild Lock Garten cam and so hope to have another season of watching EJ & Odin raise another lovely family. There was a red line I the printing under the cam screen. I clicked that and all seems to be well.
Spring has come to southwest Ohio, even though winter is still with us. At sunset my thermometer said 30F, 2 degrees below freezing, and it felt COLD! Even so, my daffodils are blooming as well as a white flowering shrub across the street. Yesterday I noticed wild shrubs (honeysuckle, I think)turning green across the fence at the back of the lot and today the forsythia is in bloom. My white Helioborus has been blooming since early February, but I don't consider that spring as it is a winter blooming plant.
This is the Manton Bay Osprey cam - but THIS AINT NO OSPREY!
Hello June and all. Not long now and 30(05) has just left for home leaving her sunny paradise beach for gloomy UK ! Exciting time ahead
My helobores have not been so good this year I might have to replenish them! I have purple ones. Our snow drops have already finished.
How long have you had your helobores? I've had mine at least 20 years. They still bloom every year with very little care. Mostly just clear away enough of last years dead self-leaves and any winter debris that has gathered, so that the current flowers show and can be enjoyed.
I've somehow lost all my snowdrops, so planted new last fall, but not a sign of even one snowdrop this spring. BooHoo! :(
Agreed, but I did catch it behaving rather like one the other morning ;-)
Only 4 days till EJ'S RETURN on Friday March 17th
38 days till ODIN'S RETURN on Wed April 20th
VERY NICE, SCYLLA! There was a second bird and more activity immediately prior to my photo, but I could only capture the scene I posted. Any other time I've looked it has been either an empty nest or the one bird on the perch with his/her? head down and back to the cam.
Finally got to the Manton Bay nest while it is still daylight. Found one bird on the perch, awake and active.
What kind of bird is it?
June, That is a Cormorant.
Kind regards, Ann