Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 26 February 2017


Hi, everyone. I chose this photo for the week because the Sandhill Cranes are migrating through my state on their way north to their spring nesting grounds. I like them a lot!

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Sandhill Crane
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Evening all:  Major mix up at the Academy Awards, which I was watching with one eye - quite a brouhaha over the wrong announcement. Apart from that, it seemed like there were a lot more foreign films, or maybe just foreign nominees.  The presenters also included award-winning student filmmakers on addition to the big names.

    AQ: Do you and your OH share the vehicle?

    Lynette: Hi there

    Falling asleep so off the bed.

  • Annette - OH gave up his car quite a few years ago when he realised we hardly ever needed two vehicles at same time. Even then, he hardly ever goes out on his own except to nanny duty. He uses the bus for lunches out. I would be lost without wheels.

  • aquilareen said:
    I would be lost without wheels.

    So would I.  Limpy and I have a car each - apart from anything else it would be impossible to volunteer at Minsmere without one.  Limpy, being disabled, is particularly dependent on his - but driving hurts him as well so I drive him about a fair amount.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Very quiet on here today.  We had a glorious day. couldn't believe it when Benson refused his afternoon walk. I had walked with OH and Benson this morning and would have done this afternoon, only my heel was playing up. We think that if I had gone then Benson would have walked as well, probably because I do take treats with me.

  • A quiet day here. My brother will probably leave on Thursday so we have been shopping for things that they can't easily find in France.

    LINDY sends everyone her kindest regards. Weather there not all that great but warmer than here, LOL.

    Now for some good news - at least I think it is. I found myself singing (not very musical) this morning as I came downstairs. First time since December when my OH died. My brother was so chuffed. He feels that his visit has done some good - as indeed it has. I don't feel particularly happy but the sharp painful grief is easing a bit. just wanted to share that with you all xx

  • Yes, bjane, like coming out of a fog, isn't it?

  • Heather, so pleased your brother's visit has helped lift the dark cloud a bit, and that you are singing again.  I'm sure there will still be bad days, but hopefully they will get fewer and the singing will increase.

  • Heather – I think life is a series of ups and downs. I hope your ups keep on coming. Something I read in a horoscope many years ago - “Let your thoughts and feelings take wing and soar”.


    I’ve checked time difference DownUnder and I shall be thinking of Margo’s Chris late this evening.


    This morn OH up early as usual, alas, no internet, Oh well, he can still play patience on his computer. Then 7.40 am our power went off. What to do? I sat sewing up Miss21’s jumper while OH sought an old-fashioned pack of cards. After 55 mins grumbling, OH calls “power on” and a little later, so too the internet. We never hear why these all-too-frequent power outages. Last day of summer DownUnder and we are expecting 37 C max.