Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 19 February 2017


I thought I would begin the new thread by honoring Margo, who passed on this past week. She was a much-loved member of our community, and she will be missed. Comfort and solace to Chris, her OH.

Billie, Margo's beloved cat, was such a joy in her life, I thought these two happy kittens cuddled in the shape of a heart might be appropriate.

Cuddled Kittens
Labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Wendyb: Hospitals are great places to pick up infections. Hope the doc gets your sorted out; maybe you should ask for some meds to take along just in case you start to feel wobbly on your trip.  Lovely idea to make a donation in Margo's name; she would really appreciate that.

    Sheila: In those days, Italian men tended to take themselves very seriously indeed (not sure it's changed!).  :-)

  • Annette yes ABs ordered for trip as on a remote island and if poorly you get helicoptered off by Coast Gaurd. I will ask for original script as had no problem with those.

    Also your Italian lethario scenario sounds like a script for a novel:-)

  • Unknown said:

    I did make another personal decision... after meeting Margo and often going to the donkey sanctuary in Sidmouth with my girls.Best friend lives in Dartmouth and we passed it on our trip down.. I made a donation in her memory . It seems it will buy a water trough:-)

    Wendy, what a lovely thing to do.

  • Just a quick note.  Stuck without internet all day as hospital system not working for public access (Sunday isn't it!).  OG was hoisted out today for a three hour sit-up (which lasted five hours!). Afterwards she was put onto a different bed (with air-cushion mattress), and requires more frequent moving because of a small bedsore that has appeared.  Despite a tiring day again, she seems a bit more herself, and beginning to stay 'with-it' more often (although between naps).  Move to Annan still intended - details to be started tomorrow!  Goodnight all, and thanks again for thoughts and mentions on here.

  • I have sent today's messages to Chris.

  • Thanks Mike, you're doing a sterling job.

    Wendy - Hope you can enjoy your holiday without needing the meds.

    Annette - A great story. It is a small world. Two of the men who proposed to me (I accepted one, but that's another story....) went on to be millionaires in the years after I lost touch with them.  <  sigh  >

    EE - Glad that OG is making progress. She's bound to be tired after what she's been through, and hospitals arn't exactly great places to get some rest!

    Must get to bed, lots to do tomorrow.....

  • Lindybird: Millionaires!  Oh my. Well, as they say, money doesn't buy happiness. (I don't believe them.)  :-)

    EE: Do hope OG's transfer to Annan moves ahead quickly. Thanks so much for being an intermediary.

    WendyB; I suspect a lot of Lotharios were busy chasing foreign girls around Italy during their summer holidays, so doubt my novel would sell (no sex, drugs, or violence!).  :-)

  • Good Morning. Dry, with pretty pink streaks across a wispy cloudy sky today.

    Annette - I console myself that at least, I'm good at picking people with "get up and go" in their personalities, LOL! 

    Hope that OG feels stronger today, and that Heathers brother has a good  journey north for his visit. Clare,  please give Limpy our good wishes for a swift recovery now he's home again.

  • Today's pic -- have a good Monday, All!

    "All right, all right, I'll admit I do like a drink now and then!"