Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 19 February 2017


I thought I would begin the new thread by honoring Margo, who passed on this past week. She was a much-loved member of our community, and she will be missed. Comfort and solace to Chris, her OH.

Billie, Margo's beloved cat, was such a joy in her life, I thought these two happy kittens cuddled in the shape of a heart might be appropriate.

Cuddled Kittens
Labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Pat O said:
     I will have to get to Minsmere sometime ... I bet I won't see nearly as many lovely birds as you are showing us.

    You will always see something.  Minsmere has so much it's impossible to come away without seeing, at the very least, all the usual suspects.  At this time of year you're pretty much guaranteed to see at least a couple of marsh harriers as well.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • By the way I read that the world's oldest wild breeding bird, a Laysan albatross known as Wisdom, successfully hatched a chick at the age of around 66!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Never mind Wisdom - sounds more like Miracle!  I wonder how old that is in 'human' terms?

  • Hello all.  A quick catch up.

    I am feeling much better than I did though I am still coughing and am still getting chest pains.  Still alive though.

    We are both very saddened at the loss of Brenda and Margo - we will miss them both as they were both kind, caring and would post in support of everyone who needed it.  We had the greatest respect for both of them, especially Margo's enormous courage in dealing with her illness.  My heart goes out to their families.  I hope everyone else stays well and that Lindy has a lovely break.

    Love to you all.  Clare is taking me to Abberton so see you all later.

    "Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

    Magnus Ullman

    My Flickr account is here

  • Morning all:

    Mike: Thank you! I assumed 'Pheasant' but am frequently wrong on a variety of topics.

    Clare/Limpy: Have fun. I'm sure we'll be seeing some pix later.  Wisdom sounds like a glutton for punishment.

    Looks like I'll be heading to Arizona at the crack of dawn tomorrow, so am going to aim for a quiet today, but first a quick trip to the store to make sure OH doesn't starve. Back later.

  • Don't think we have any Welsh people on the site, so very well done to Scotland in the six nations. Yippee!!

  • Dibnlib: Unlike here where the pub was full of welsh supporters with a couple from Aviemore holidaying here!!! We are not even in Wales just close to the border.

    Now have full PC back. Dealing with my brother's estate is becoming easier with problems being niggle rather than 'oh god what next!'. New car arrives on Monday with fully automatic tail end - lowering rear suspension, tailgate and ramp. I can also fit the power chair straps from outside the vehicle so do not have to bend double all the time. I think back is already saying yippee!!!

    Don't get me wrong we are still on track to get to LG in summer this year.

  • Unknown said:
    I'm sure we'll be seeing some pix later.

    You never know your luck.  Just gone through 400 of them!  I think it would be a bit much to post them all.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Clare: Yes, you'd probably crash the site!

  • ... and take hours to add your lovely comments!