Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 19 February 2017


I thought I would begin the new thread by honoring Margo, who passed on this past week. She was a much-loved member of our community, and she will be missed. Comfort and solace to Chris, her OH.

Billie, Margo's beloved cat, was such a joy in her life, I thought these two happy kittens cuddled in the shape of a heart might be appropriate.

Cuddled Kittens
Labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Sat down for lunch. The phone rang. A girls voice, in a call centre, said "Am I speaking to someone who had an accident in the last six months? - we've been informed that someone at your address was involved in an incident"

    "Oh, yes!", I said.....  The girl started on a long spiel of something.....

    So I said "Yes, the accident was terrible - my head fell off my shoulders" . There was a short pause, then she said "I hope you're all right now!" - --- -- --  -- "Well," I said, "My body stayed in the car, and my head was in the road!"  "I hope you can speak alright" she said.  "Well, no,"  I said "I can't speak at all now....."

  • She still kept on trying!!  Eventually, I said "I can't believe you're still trying to talk to me when I've said such preposterous things.... so you must be pretty silly. Go away!" And I put the phone down.

    Later, the phone rang again and it was her supervisor. He said that we'd been cut off! And started all over again......so did I! With the same tale.

  • Lindybird: Three weeks! Wow. It's going to be really quiet on here. Ha!  If you're not careful, you'll find the paramedics and police at your front door investigating that accident.

    Clare: Liked the shelduck. But that gray scenery?  Could be California these days. :-)

    Today is the first day of the 2017 Gray Whale Count. I'm expecting an e-mail from our head dude cancelling it due to rain!

  • Yes, Annette - you'll all have to get along without my incessant chattering, LOL!!

    We had three weeks away last year, and the year before.  When we retired, we promised ourselves a month away after always being sad to go home after a fortnight, but actually 3 weeks is about right. 

    The stupid calls we get, interrupting our lives, drive me mad. I say more and more ridiculous things, just to get my own back.

    My OH has just gone out to deliver Bonnie to his sister:  its suddenly gone very very quiet here.  Before she left, she ate the plastic folder I had put out for putting all the air tickets and insurance papers in...... thankfully, they were not in it, yet!

    It's still raining in California - have they not heard the song?  I hope its not too bad, as Diane sounded rather worried about you.  Enjoy your whale count once you do get started.

  • Clare Bailey said:

    I think you could be right there, Lindy - unless it's a goldcrest or firecrest?  A greenfinch is considerably bigger than a wren.

    Good answer, Clare.   They're much smaller, arnt they?  It was the size that had me stumped.

  • AQ - I'm glad it's stayed a bit cooler for you.  You'll be able to get things done.  Hope the nanny duty goes OK.

    Awful to hear about the plane which came down, with no survivors.  Must have been a fault.

  • I wanted to add my condolences to DjoanS. I hope she can get some alone time soon. I know I needed it after my OH died. So many gone in the past year.

    I read Heather's post about "seeing" her OH. Not uncommon.  My OH had "smoked" cigars for years but had quit before we moved back to Iowa from Arizona. He never smoked or brought cigars indoors but always had one in the corner of his mouth in his workshop or outside. He had a habit of leaving the cigar on fence posts, railings, propped on a stone, even on top of a tire of the parked car and then retrieving it when he came back. The following spring after he died I was cleaning the shed and there on a shelf lay what looked like a new still-wrapped cigar. I asked everyone, but no one had put it there nor did they know how it could have gotten there. It was not there in the fall when I put all the outdoor pots and furniture in there. I felt like he had just said "Hi, don't forget me"

    As if I could. We had been married for 58 years

  • First day of whale count cancelled due to rain!  :-((

  • Hello to all

    Will do replies tomorrow-

    LINDY- only one more sleep :-)

  • Trying to relax now that the cases are in the hall.  I hate this bit, from shutting up the case until I arrive at the other end. On the way to the airport,  I start worrying about what I might have forgotten. We've never forgotten anything vital, but I still get anxious!

    Heather - Hope you're enjoying your brothers company. Take care of yourself.

    Clare & Limpy - Feel better soon.

    OG - Hope the hospital move goes smoothly. Maybe you'll be home before you know it! Hope E-E is feeling better, now.

    Joan - I'll be thinking of you tomorrow.

    Diane - Say Hi to that RTH for me!

    Annette - Hope it stops raining now, it's done enough!

    AQ -  Keep planning  those escapes/escapades!

    Bye to All , sorry if I've missed anyone out.