Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 22 January 2017


Hello to everyone, and I hope you all have a good week.

I thought I would begin the week by honouring Brenda. She was a wise and truly kind person, and she will be missed.

  • Hi, all.

    Margo: Thinking of you and wishing you well.

    Lynette: Dang it, I've logged in too late to wish you Happy Birthday. I hope you had a wonderful day!

    ForestBoar: Enjoy your weather station. My Dad loved his. I'm so sorry that your caregiving duties are becoming more difficult. I hope you will gain better control of our asthma.

    Clare: I've really enjoyed your photographs! The last batch, with the ducks and geese, were fabulous. You're a very skillful and gifted photographer.

    Limpy: Your photos were gorgeous, too!

    OG: I am very pleased that the builders finished the main construction. That's wonderful news. I am so sorry about the pain in your leg. I hope it's much improved today.

    Heather: I would LOVE your new kitchen. I also like the uncluttered look. Yours sounds perfect. It was nice of your son to offer you the job, even if you weren't interested.

    Lindy: I so enjoyed all of your holiday photos. What a fascinating trip. I loved Medusa. Well done on the painting of the hallway. The soft color sounds very nice. I'm getting ready to paint my enclosed porch (I think you all would call it a small conservatory?). I've decided to go with a cheerful paint color. I think I'll get a very light green or a light apricot. I have some white paint for the ceiling and trim.

    Alan Petrie: Nice to see you. Starling, Nairnred, and Mike, too.

    AQ: I'm so sorry about your car!!! But I'm glad that you weren't hurt. Hope your weather is now being kind to you.

    Harelady: Congrats on the upcoming grandchildren!

  • Annette: I think I read that you went by bus to the Women's March (demonstration) today. I thought I'd better start the new thread because you may be on the road a very, very long time. The organizers of the march said that 750,000 people were there!!! I saw photos, and they were incredible! Your local news said that all of the roads, buses, etc. are all snarled up because of the influx of people. There were 250,000 in Chicago -- so many that they had to cancel the march and just make it a rally. My friends attended the Indianapolis march today, and there were many, many thousands even in Indy. I wanted to go, but I didn't want to risk getting sick again.

    I had a flat tire because I haven't been driving, so I ordered a tire pump and used it to inflate my tire this afternoon, and I charged my battery. I didn't want to spend BIG bucks having my car towed. I took advantage of our record-breaking warm weather. 64F or 17.7 C here today. So weird for January.

    I noticed on the news how much rain you've been getting. It must be surreal to see those bone-dry creeks turn into raging rivers! I'm glad you're safe and have no damage. We've had a lot of rain, too. My creek flooded last night, but the water flowed into the flood plain back in the woods behind my garage, so everything was fine. It confused the poor ducks, though, and they were quite loud while they tried to figure out what had happened to their home.

    You asked me where my friends went in Mexico. They have money and were at a fancy resort about 100 miles south of Cancun.

    I hope your freelance gig is now humming along nicely. I know what you mean about things going wrong. A glitch at the beginning of a project can wreck the whole schedule, as well as my nerves. LOL

  • Evening all: Creak, yawn, creak and more creak...

    Diane: Thank you for starting us off. That card honoring Brenda is just gorgeous; such a thoughtful gesture and dedication.

    Yes, it's been a very, very long day. Left the house at 5:45 this morning and walked in the door at 5:55 this evening. Will tell more tomorrow as am completely shattered.

    Even bigger storm due tonight with evacuations ordered a two campgrounds about 10 minutes up the coast that sit below burn areas and where 4 huts and 15 vehicles were swept up in the flood last week. People too, but they were rescued with minor injuries.

    Hope Sunday is kind to all.

  • Thank you Diane for starting us off and remembering Brenda so nicely.


    Annette – I saw on the news that a certain couple were leaving their home in the East and heading to CAL for a holiday. Watch out! You may have guests!


    We went to lunch at hotel for Big Sister’s significant 0 birthday, followed by black forest cake & pavlova at their home. Lots of sisters, nieces, nephews and great-dittos to catch up with.

  • Unknown said:
    I've really enjoyed your photographs! The last batch, with the ducks and geese, were fabulous. You're a very skillful and gifted photographer.

    You are too kind!  I've been practising a lot lately, and I'm better than I was.

    Good morning, all!  Let's hope for a better week than the last one.  

    My sincere sympathy goes to everyone living in the US, especially the ones who really need Obamacare.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Good Morning.  Thank You to Diane for her beautiful and appropriate tribute to Brenda, and for starting us off again on a new week.

    I just got up late, so will be back later.

  • Back with today's pic!

    A bull elephant -- don't know where or when, but I love 'em!

  • Love the choice of photo today, Lindy!

    I've just come back from the Ferry and uploaded 450 photos, only for Limpy to say he's planning to go to Trimley Marshes.....it's looking like a bumper day for photography!  Today's light conditions are spectacular.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Thank you DIANE - a lovely tribute for BRENDA.

    A cold and frosty morning here. I'm going up to eldest daughter's home today for a roast beef dinner. I've yet to get my head around cooking for one but still eating portioned food that I had in the freezer plus the odd ready meal :-(  Oh, forgot, I did make roast lamb for myself last Sunday! A tiny joint, but tasty.

    I may be going bonkers. I think that I must have been dreaming but in the early hours this morning, could feel my OH tugging the duvet (as he often did, saying that every time that I turned over in bed I took more of the covers!) Then I turned over and he was there. I snuggled in to him and asked him if he was happy where he was, He replied, 'Yes'. Sorry for sharing but don't want to say anything to the children in case they think that I am indeed losing the plot....

  • I just laughed, because the man on the radio, Michael Ball, said that it was "A beautiful day in London!"   ~  its trying to snow here and turning to sleet!  Just went out to feed the birds and they all look miserable, poor things.

    Lynette: Sorry, I forgot to say Happy Birthday yesterday - it was a bit manic here, and I wasn't online much. Hope you enjoyed your Italian meal.

    Diane: Those rainy conditions sound horrendous.  Keep dry!  Poor ducks - at least they can float! Apricot or pale green sounds lovely for your porch. I think you call them porches there, but here they're termed "sun lounges" or "conservatories", or even, nowadays "orangeries!" (Orangeries seem to have brick bases, and possibly even solid covered roofs, but lots of glazing all the way around.)  All are highly popular, as of course we don't get such good weather for sitting outside except in mid summer, and they are relatively inexpensive, compared to other ways of extending your floor space. Some are HUGE and have whole large dining tables in them, and sofas - ours just has two easy chairs and a small pair of chairs and table so that you can eat breakfast out there if you want.

    Glad you enjoyed my holiday pics - I hate anyone to think I'm bragging, but its nice to share the experience with others if possible. Medusa was cute - just a small plaque which had been rescued from a door somewhere.

    Rambling again....   Hope that Clare and Limpy have a great day out, if the light is going to be good.