Osprey Sightings 2017

Tuesday, January 3rd, 2017
Les Fougères / Artigues-de-Lussac (Les) (33)
1 Osprey (Pandion haliaetus)
[Sylvain Petit]
Comment :Et revoilà le balbuzard au dessus du petit étang à côté de chez moi ((en vol stationnaire, pêche) , probablement le même observé mi-décembre au même endroit et fin nov sur un autre étang à une dizaine de Kms. Individu hivernant???
  • Dordogne

    Sunday, April 23rd, 2017

    Etang de Petitonne / Jemaye (La) (24)

    1 Osprey (Pandion haliaetus)

    [Mobile data (direct mode) Nathalie et Didier Verger]


    Sunday, April 23rd, 2017

    Bel-Air / Vignonet (33)

    1 Osprey (Pandion haliaetus)

    [ 08h00-10h30 Thomas Facq]

    Comment :Vol au dessus de la Dordogne et pêche à plusieurs reprises. Part en aval puis revient. Vu de très près pendant un bon moment, super obs !

  • 24/04 10:18 STAFFORDSHIRE : Osprey, Middleton Lakes RSPB [S]

    one being mobbed over river (10:00)

    24/04 10:50 EAST SUSSEX : Osprey, Arlington Reservoir [S]
    one mid-morning (10:20)

    24/04 12:31 NORTHAMPTONSHIRE : Osprey, Pitsford Reservoir [S]
    briefly in Caldwell Bay; also Black Tern still (11:45)

    24/04 19:06 DEVON : Osprey, Burrator Reservoir [S]
    one flew north this morning

    24/04 20:33 DORSET : Osprey, Mudeford [S]
    one flew over Mudeford Quay this afternoon

    24/04 21:18 BORDERS : Osprey, St. Mary's Loch [S]
    one flew southwest today

    24/04 22:11 NORTHAMPTONSHIRE : Osprey, Pitsford Reservoir [S]
    still this afternoon; also Black Tern still (16:30)

  • 25/04 10:56 DORSET : Osprey, Swineham Point [S]

    one (10:25)

    25/04 11:12 DERBYSHIRE : Osprey, Ogston Reservoir [S]
    one (09:35)

    25/04 23:01 STAFFORDSHIRE : Osprey, Middleton Lakes RSPB [S]
    one over the river today

  • Gironde, not sure what they mean by 'immature'

    Tuesday, April 25th, 2017

    MIGDECPDG14_1 / Verdon-sur-Mer (Le) (33)

    1 Osprey (Pandion haliaetus)

    [Mobile data (direct mode) Pointe de Grave (LPO)]

    Detail : 1x immature

  • French migration watchpoint

    25 apr Pointe de Grave: 1 osprey

  • 26/04 10:14 DORSET : Osprey, Wareham [S]

    one again fishing in Wareham Channel (09:46)

    26/04 10:47 NOTTINGHAMSHIRE : Osprey, Attenborough NR [S]

    one flew north over Delta at 10:30 (10:30)

    26/04 13:05 GLOUCESTERSHIRE : Osprey, Sandhurst [S]
    a Raven mobbing one over Sandhurst Hill at 12:55 (12:55)

    26/04 13:42 CLYDE : Osprey, Longhaugh Point [S]
    adult, headed west, downstream after attempting to fish in the River Clyde; also a Tree Pipit briefly (11:00)
    26/04 14:20 SOMERSET & BRISTOL : Osprey, Crewkerne [S]
    one flew northeast late morning

    26/04 18:02 DORSET : Osprey, Abbotsbury [S]
    one caught a Mullet at Abbotsbury Embayment and flew down The Fleet this afternoon (16:30)

    26/04 22:26 LANCASHIRE : Osprey, Sykes [S]
    one at Langden Brook today

  • French migration watchpoint

    26 apr Pierre-Aiguille: 1 osprey

  • Lot-et-Garonne

    Thursday, April 27th, 2017

    Moulin du Lot / Sainte-Livrade-sur-Lot (47)

    1 Osprey (Pandion haliaetus)

    [Daniel Philippe]

    Detail : 1x adult (flying)

  • 27/04 15:45 WARWICKSHIRE : Osprey, Marsh Farm Quarry [S]

    one flew over main pit at 15:20 (15:20)

    27/04 16:08 DEVON : Osprey, Braunton Burrows [S]

    one on telegraph pole by toll road to Crow Point car park SS454355 (09:45)

    27/04 21:02 SOMERSET & BRISTOL : Osprey, Keynsham [S]
    one flew northwest this evening (18:40)

  • 28/04 08:29 DORSET : Osprey, Abbotsbury [S]

    one again at the Swannery (08:00)

    28/04 09:25 OXFORDSHIRE : Osprey, Otmoor RSPB [S]

    one flew north; also Whimbrel (07:30)

    28/04 10:23 CHESHIRE : Osprey, Chelford [S]
    one flew north over Chelford Sand Quarries (10:08)

    28/04 11:12 EAST SUSSEX : Osprey, Arlington Reservoir [S]
    one on pylon to north (11:10)
    28/04 11:57 LANCASHIRE : Osprey, Longridge [S]
    one flew north (09:30)

    28/04 12:41 DORSET : Osprey, Longham Lakes [S]
    one overhead at 10:05 and 10:25 (10:05)

    28/04 13:28 LANCASHIRE : Osprey, Lancaster [S]
    one flew over the River Lune 1.6km west of the city centre (09:45)
    28/04 13:46 CHESHIRE : Osprey, Marston [S]
    one flew west over lakes near salt works (21/04)

    28/04 15:23 EAST SUSSEX : Osprey, Arlington Reservoir [S]
    showing from dam wall

    28/04 16:33 WARWICKSHIRE : Osprey, Middleton Lakes RSPB [S]
    one drifted over Fishers Mill (16:30)
    28/04 17:40 BEDFORDSHIRE : Osprey, Grovebury Sand Pit [S]
    one in willow in northwest corner (17:30)
    28/04 18:08 BEDFORDSHIRE : Osprey, Grovebury Sand Pit [S]
    flew from perch and appeared to land again near southeast corner this evening

    28/04 19:45 LOTHIAN : Osprey, Edinburgh [S]
    one flew west over Heriot Watt University (17:55)