Loch Garten GABFEST in hibernation for January and February, 2017


  • GREETINGS to all Gabbers as we begin another year.  It has been a lonely winter with no Loch Garten Osprey to follow.  Even so, the Gabfest did not go into complete hibernation as I expected.   We have been active enough that we never slipped off the front Index page.  Maybe because the other threads have been drowsy, too. I have decided to put us into hibernation once again, but for a shorter period of two months, January and February. That will bring us to March, by which time we will really be in eager anticipation of the arrival of our "raison d'etre", EJ and Odin.- and of course all our other EK osprey. 

    We look forward to the safe return of EJ followed by Oden, according to their usual practice. Then the courtship, the laying of eggs, the  hatchings, followed by the delightful wee bobbleheads. Too soon they will be stretching their wings and helicoptering, then fledging and finally the inevitable and necessary,  but dreaded, migrations.  We have learned that the life of ospreys is not easy. so we hope that all this proceeds in an orderly fashion with plentiful food, no accidents and a healthy family.

  •  Something different about animals that some of you might enjoy:

  •  APPARENTLY NOT :) for the above photos of the longhorns.  Maybe this will appeal a bit more.  Just imagine EJ instead of Tweety.

  • Happy New Year and seasons greetings to you too, June. It certainly won't be long now before the early arrivers begin to get restless, and start to brush fown their feathers for the long journey north. I love the birdie cartoon :)

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • A little something I took today so this is for you June

    Happy new year to you.

    "Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

    Magnus Ullman

    My Flickr account is here

  • I am assuming that  the cartoon about Tweety and the cat Sylvester has made its way to Scotland.  Am I wrong?  Or maybe it  has come and gone, now forgotten.  It is old.

  • Good morning all. Hope you all have a Happy New Year. Not long now only about 2 months :) The year passes so quickly!

    Our cat Farley looks a little like Sylvester he has those furry tufts by his jowls LOL. He is a Siberian Forest cat rescued from a lady who no longer wanted him.He was born in Moscow and used as a breeding male but since neutered and sold on as a pet. Hes spending his retirement as a "normal" cat and probably happier

  • Love the long horn cattle June. I love cattle and one of my favorite animals.

  • The count down will be starting soon! We might see the return of FR3 this year hope he stays safe. It will be interesting to see what happens with the second platform in Manton Bay, a young pair had started to nest but were disturbed by Egyptian geese.

    Will this be a happier year for Blue 24, I really hope so.

    Hope they all return safely