WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY DECEMBER 25 2016

Don't think my last post posted, so here it is again.

OK, well, Christmas dinner eaten and gifts given and received, so tomorrow we're going to relax and do Nothing!

Meanwhile, the very best wishes of the season to all the dear people on this thread, lurkers included.

EDIT; But now I see it did. Not sure it's me or the site that's not with it!

  • Good morning ANNETTE and everyone-

    I'm a bit late for AQ, sorry - but just want to send warm Christmas wishes to you all.

    Thank you all for your caring support, both on here and by email. You are a great bunch of folk xxx

  • Thank You Annette, for starting us off, and Good Morning & Happy Christmas to Everyone.

    Goodness, I'd forgotten that it was even Sunday!

    Thank you, too, to Heather -  I hope your family are all around you or nearby. {{HUGS}}


    We've opened our stockings (chocolate, books and music plus socks for my OH and new earrings for me).

    Getting things out of the freezer for our lunchtime feast: we have a turkey big enough for 5 or 6! But my OH loves the dark meat, so no point in buying a small joint.  Just going to hose myself down and put the kettle on before we start on phone calls to the family.

  • Wishing everyone all the best for Christmas and the New Year.

    Special thoughts at this time with Heather and Margo and their families.

    Kind regards


  • A very happy Christmas to everyone from myself, Limpy, Helen and our feathered family:

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Only 364 shopping days to Christmas.

  • Thank you Annette for starting us off. I hardly realized it was Sunday!


    Seasons Greetings to all posters & lurkers. My “card” is here. (You may need to scroll.) Plus pics of twins while I was in charge as mummy was out shopping.


    Our C-mas lunch went well, all fed & watered, then the chaos as gifts were unwrapped. Teens & older do a Kris Kringle, but the 3 Little Ones receive multiple gifts so there was much fun as they discovered new delights. Then MissL had a nap while Miss20 joined Miss5 & MissJ in hide & seek. Hilarious to see MissJ counting random numbers 1, 2, 5, 12, 7, . . .OH took Littlies out one by one to see Lizarda Jnr baking in the heat (41.3 C max). The “boys” washed & wiped dishes except glasses which we finished this morn. Most things restored to usual places but full washing basket postponed as it has been raining today. (Weird Adelaide weather.) I gained yummy bics from Dau#1 and a novel from Dau#2. No cooking for a few days as we demolish leftovers.

  • Unknown said:

    Only 364 shopping days to Christmas.


    Only 85 days to EJ.  Now that's a countdown.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • I think my New Year's resolution for 2017 is going to be to completely stop checking the news.  However can the amazing George Michael be dead at 53?  He was one of THE voices of my youth and he also seemed to be a caring human being, on the whole.

    George, RIP. (I can really recommend checking the link!)

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Hey, 85 days are soon gone......

    Good Morning, All.  Had a bit of a lay in, but must stir now as guests for drinks this morn.

    AQ -  Good that things went well. Lovely pics of the twins!  What cuties!  Saw on the News pages that you had broken records for the heat on a December day.

    We had our usual day yesterday of walking followed by eating:  Had prepared the stuffing the day before and intended to cook it separately from the bird. However, found it in the fridge only half an hour before we were to carve! --  thank goodness for microwaves!!  Meal was delicious but could not move afterwards, so no Pud and sat for couple of hours in front of tv.  In evening, wrapped up books for children & grandchildren whilst eating very small ham sandwich!

    Oh, and we also had a panic initially as the oven wouldn't come on - I had been fiddling with the clock and timer (which have never worked properly) and we had to find the handbook, consult that, and my OH had to go out to the garage twice, to reset the trip fuses as they kept failing!!  Argh!

  • Loved your bird pics, Clare.  Hope you,  Limpy & Helen had a good day.

    Sadly, George Michael will just join others such as Amy Winehouse who had an amazing musical talent but just could not handle their personal lives.