WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY DECEMBER 25 2016

Don't think my last post posted, so here it is again.

OK, well, Christmas dinner eaten and gifts given and received, so tomorrow we're going to relax and do Nothing!

Meanwhile, the very best wishes of the season to all the dear people on this thread, lurkers included.

EDIT; But now I see it did. Not sure it's me or the site that's not with it!

  • Heather - as long as your family are keeping in touch daily...... Hope you can have a quiet time now:  after all the busyness of the funeral followed so closely by the Christmas festivities, you may need a bit of peace to come to a place of peace, if you know what I mean. We are all here, listening, if you want to come on and have a moan about things!

    I had a good gripe this morning, as I was keen to get on, but thought for a while that I'd never get out of the house. I had to find things to take, then find my List, find my boots, it seemed never ending....  When I reached the Chemist, they had my prescription ready - but a big supply of one thing I already have plenty of, and none of the pills I'm about to run out of! Had to sort it out, as it's been a muddle lately. They say you can tell your age by the number of meds in bottles by the bed! --- if you also count my eye drops, essential hand cream and some skin cream, I'm at least 109!!

  • Heather: Hope we can assume that you have a 24/7 "hotline" to family if you need them.

    Lindybird: Hmm. Eye drops: check.  Essential handcream: check. Skin cream: check. Add baby aspirin; calcium supplements and B-complex pills.

  • Heather B said:

    No, ANNETTE I'm home alone but by my own choice - will see how it goes...

    If it goes less than well you could do much worse than inviting in a budgie or two.  You'd never be alone in silence.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Good morning, all.  It's an overcast morning here, but it feels less cold than yesterday.  At least the fog has gone!

    It's good that we've finally reached the end of this year.  On the whole it hasn't been a good one, though at least we saw the safe return of both the LG and the Dyfi ospreys.  That's one of the things I'm most hoping for in the new year.  Fingers crossed!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Clare Bailey said:
    They're probably getting ready for the month-long siege known as New Year's Day.  Do all your shops close then?

    Clare, I’m confused when or whether our shops are open. For example on Boxing Day, city shops only, then next day (public holiday for SA’s Proclamation) only suburban shopping centres. I thought shops would be closed for NYD but my supermarket will be open but closed on Monday.

    OH has been asking “when are you taking the tree down?” My response has been that Dau & Co may drop in. Yes, they came to lunch today. Lots of salad & the last of the turkey croquettes. (I think Dau remembered what I do with leftover turkey!) A visit to local playground then home with twins napping on the way.

    OH & I will have a quiet evening. Fireworks in city & at Glenelg.

  • aquilareen said:
    I’m confused when or whether our shops are open. For example on Boxing Day, city shops only, then next day (public holiday for SA’s Proclamation) only suburban shopping centres. I thought shops would be closed for NYD but my supermarket will be open but closed on Monday.

    Blimey.  No wonder you're confused - I certainly would be.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Good Morning.  I thought I'd written on here already today!

    Very misty over the fields, but yes, warmer here, too.

    Back later!

  • Strange weather here.  Ten minutes ago it was thick fog - now it's completely clear.  The fog didn't lift at all yesterday.  Feel virtuous because as a treat for New Year's Eve I hoovered and turned my very heavy mattress!  Can I sit and recover for the rest of the day?  No chance!!

  • Oh, gosh, Pat - don't make me feel guilty!  Can't remember when we last turned any mattresses!  Used to do them every 6 months..... now I can't remember when...

    Not as cold here, but the dampness makes it unpleasant when outside.  All my garden birds were lined up on the fence waiting for me to put something out today, so they must need fuel to keep warm, poor things.

    Here is a very rare bird, which my Friend spotted and gave to me as part of my Christmas gift:

    Not sure which country he has migrated from, LOL!!

  • HEATHER    thinking of you. I love CLAREs idea of a budgie friend.

    It is chucking it down here, so guess who didn't want to go for a walk? I didn't stay dry though as I went for a swim.  The Fitness Club is open tomorrow, as is our local Coop and Tesco too (surprise, surprise) though only for the afternoon. I do hope those who are working have volunteered and not been forced to work.