Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 18 December 2016


The Winter Solstice is Wednesday (21 December). The return of the light!

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Sunrise from the International Space Station
NASA photo labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Oh that is sad, Rabbi Blue was an outspoken but gentle man and his message was always uplifting.

    Been lovely here today but just a little chilly. Had our Christmas meeting at our Womens' group from church - Christmas readings, mince pies and a cuppa, went really well.

    The Andre Rieu concerts have all been rescheduled for the UK at some time next year. Felt they couldn't carry on with the tour under the circumstances.

    Sad about the incidents in Turkey and Berlin - what is the world coming to. Lets look to the positive and good that is happening.

    Ooh. Dibnlib, you've already seen Fantastic Beasts. Want to go and see that and hopefully it will still be running by NY day.

    Hello AQ - well if you don't mind stormy Britain - at least that is what they are forecasting for the Christmas period then I am sure someone can find you a bed - lol.   Seriously though, wish I was over there, weather sounds hot but lovely.

  • Lindybird - nice to see that there are the remains of Olympia - do love to see these ancient ruins, history of years gone by.

    Brenda - glad to read your OH has passed the latest blood test.

    Also for updating us on Margo's situation. Do hope these next units will help build her up for the Festive season and that she and her OH can enjoy it to a certain extent. Thoughts and prayers are with you Margo.

    George, lovely to hear from you. Hope you have a lovely Christmas.

    Been carol singing tonight in a local pub (next door to the church I go to). Minister set it up, quite an enjoyable 1/2 hour.  Daren't put the punters off too much, lol.

    Going with Dau to the Parish Church for Christmas morning service then home for a quiet lunch with OH and Dau.  Son and DiL going down to Bristol to her dau's for Christmas. Spending BD quietly although going out for a meal at a local pub as we won't be going up to Manchester this year as the house is still a shambles. It's the first time for 64 years I won't have been home.

    Just in case I don't come on again before Christmas , please all have a great time with your families where possible.

  • Evening all:  Ah so, the shortest day of the year is here. I know my UK family feels much lighter in spirit on the far side of December 21.

    Lindybird: Managed a quick look at your photos. I'm amazed people are allowed to walk all over those starting blocks. What a marvelous trip you had. King is better thank you.  He will be here with daughter (and the bunny!) over the holidays. At least the horses aren't coming too.

    AQ: I can bed you down with the bunny if you're still looking to escape those hot temps.

    OG: Hope granddaughters enjoyed their visit, but a worry for everyone else.

    Brenda:  Thanks for news of Margo.  Glad you can look forward to your holiday now.

    Lynette: Your quiet Christmas sounds quite the opposite of ours.  Enjoy your Boxing Day lunch. Thank you for the lovely card.

    Margo: Thinking of you and your OH; take care.

    Thanks all for news; for folks traveling do hope the weather is kind.  Not as busy here tomorrow thank heaven.....

  • Good Morning, All.  Thanks for news of Margo, Brenda. What a shame she has not felt the benefit of the transfusion this time. Good that your OH will be able to have his holiday, after the tests are OK.

    I'm off for my haircut and some errands today. I also have to search for an Emergency Last Minute Present for my Friend, as, annoyingly I have had a present put away for her since last February when we were away, but when I got it out to wrap it, it was found to be faulty. Tearing my hair out as after thinking all year that I had something put away, I now have to go out looking, when time is short.

    The other day, I was watching the recording we have of Strictly C. D. Final, in the late afternoon, when the tv went off and all else but the house lights, too. My OH realised that it was when he put the kettle on!   Thankfully, as he was home, he was able to retrip the fuses. We got out the new kettle we'd bought a few weeks ago, when our old kettle started making strange noises!

  • Thanks for your pretty Christmas Wishes, Lynette. Enjoy your Christmas, even though the usual pattern has been broken.

  • Food shopping expedition this morn was more like a battlefield. Not only the pensioners (we get a discount on Wed) but others stocking up for a famine. I spent the rest of the day hunting for the “good” cutlery and serving dishes not seen since our last C-mas 2 years ago. Late pm I remembered my poor tomatoes would need a drink. I was about to replace the hose beside tap when I spotted a wee visitor. No, not Santa’s elf. A blue-tongued skink. Maybe one of Lizarda da Vinci’s descendants? You will find Lizabet’s pic here. S/he has settled for the evening beneath the garden broom.


    BTW weather forecast for C-mas has been revised - upwards to 40 C. We shall have to eat the choc cream pie quickly before it oozes.

  • A wet morning here, with heavy rain this evening. Looks as is we will be travelling into heavier rain and much windier weather for Christmas.

    Just reading that to stop fraud, we will be asked for photographic ID when we go to vote in the future. Full details yet to be announced.

    Thank you for your photographs, Linda. Together with your comments, it was a very good read.

    Thank you for your ' card' Lynette. Enjoy your quiet Christmas and your meal on Boxing day.

    Annette, Good to hear that King is much better.

    AQ, I would love some sunny weather, but 40c, will always be too hot for me. Hard to imagine trying to cook a traditional Christmas dinner in those temperatures.

    Thinking of Heather and family. 

    So much HW to do here. I need to press on.

  • Got my haircut. Went to Waitrose for grub. Did some other errands. Went to another supermarket for more grub. Moved the car out of town to a large garden centre, to search for a gift for Friend. Decided on a mercury glass bowl on a plinth, and bought a fat candle to go with it. Then I heard drumming!  -- it was raining, and making a noise on the roof. Went back to the car trying to hold my scarf over my head, as I had no hat or umbrella. Grr!

    Got home by 12.00pm ready for the first drink since my OH brought my cup of tea in bed at 7.00am!

  • A miserable day here. Benson has refused all offers of a walk.

    BRENDA   Glad to hear your OH is ok for your trip up north.

    Swam this morning, then friend for lunch. We had home made parsnip and chilli soup. It was good. Friend loves blueberry muffins so I had bought some from Tesco. Now what do I do with the other 3????? Do they freeze?

  • No, they really don't freeze well ... suggest they should be eaten today.  (Actually, I don't have a clue whether they freeze or not, but eating them seems a much better option!)  (Oh, and by the way, I don't like blueberry muffins ... )  The pressure is obviously getting to me!