Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 11 December 2016


Everyone have a wonderful week.

White Peony
Labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Heather-So sorry to read about your OH. Life changes in the blink of an eye sometimes. No time to prepare. I hope you get answers and solutions soon and some much needed relief and rest!

    Thinking of Margo also.

  • Thanks, bjane for your wise words.

    OH joking a bit with the nurses (some things never change!)

    He is at great risk of a fall but they can only do their best.

    OH will be 86 tomorrow - lots of cards to take into him.

    I will get some lifts, which is great, but the community hospital is only about fifteen minutes walk from home.

    Enjoying reading about everyone's Christmas preparations - my brother doesn't realise how much shopping he will be doing during his few days here! He arrives on Thursday evening.

    Take care, all

  • Brenda -  Watch it with your shoulder, you must have weakened it.  I often tell my OH that "Bits are falling off me now"!  Hope it feels better after you've rested it. 

    Bjane - hope you're keeping well. 

    Got the final toys (a nice wooden easel for Amber included) and bought some other bits. Went nearby to a H U G E.  M&S and picked up more Christmas food. Came home in more pouring rain, and heavy traffic. We cheered ourselves up by playing some Golden Oldies Christmas tunes, on the way, including dear oI' Bing Crosby.

  • See that you posted while I was dawdling over my post, Heather. Glad your OH is cheerful enough for jokes. Good that he's not far away.

  • Thinking of you and your husband, Heather. I do hope you manage to have some sleep tonight.

    A very HAPPY BIRTHDAY for your OH's Birthday tomorrow and I hope it will be possible for him to enjoy the day, especially flirting with the nurses :-)))

    Love and Hugs. X

  • Evening all; Daughter and horses safe in AZ. Busy day here; will catch up tomorrow.

  • Good Morning, All, and a special HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Heather's OH.  Hope he's had a good night in hospital.

    Dry here but still damp feeling - it's rained so much over the last couple of weeks that everywhere is very soggy, and there are lots of slippery decomposing leaves on the paths. 

    AQ - it's hard to believe it can be so hot there.  I see your OH was lucky with his nanny duty! I expect your grandchildren also get overtired with all the excitement at this time of year. Our Tomasz threw a strop, as they say, in a shop, and had to be taken back out to the car.

    Annette -  Good that your daughter and the horses arrived OK.

  • Good morning.  Off out to a "committee" meeting while OH goes to dentist.  Will try to come back later, but have "stuff" to do!  Best wishes to all - especially Heather and her OH on his birthday.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Good Morning Everyone. Started off foggy here, but the sky is turning blue now and a dry, sunny day is forecast.

    Shoulder pain woke me up very early this morning, but I have so much to do that I will have to take a painkiller and continue. lol

    AQ, It must be hard coping with three very young children, especially in temperatures of 35c and the excitement of Christmas. Love to hear how you keep them occupied.

    Linda, I remember my own son ( c 2 year old ) lying on his back in the middle of a supermarket aisle, screaming that he wasn't doing anymore shopping !! It is highly embarrassing.

  • Memories, memories - of my seven-year-old daughter lying face down on the floor of a shoe shop and screaming because I wouldn't buy the shoes she wanted!  She was as stiff as a board and heavy as I carried her outside, with both me and my mother so embarrassed ... oh yes, they can let you down sometimes.