Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 11 December 2016


Everyone have a wonderful week.

White Peony
Labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Jacquie Lawson is my preferred option, Annette.  Such a great selection, and always adding new ones.

  • Good Morning, All.  Dark here but not too cold.

    My OH used to be just over 6ft, Clare, but he may have shrunk a bit now, as you do. Our Youngest is 6ft 2" and has to bend a little so I can peck his cheek! (I'm only 5ft 5")  Annette - ordinary beds, but mine has a luscious deep feather bed topping and extra pillows!

    Spent ages on lots of websites over the last few days looking at toys, then we decided to go and look at some, so off shopping later today when my OH comes back from golf. Other stuff already bought/ordered, so I am at last wrapping a few things. Not begun decorating the house inside yet, and the cards received so far are in a pile - I don't feel Christmassy yet, but there's plenty of time.

    Annette - hope all goes well with the horses being moved. I should imagine it's a worrying time, as they're so precious.

    Heather - Hope today goes well.

    Margo - thinking of you every day.

  • ps Friend and I worked together, in our very first jobs in an office in a city centre (Liverpool), and were close for a few years, until we both got married. I have been resigned to her appearing and disappearing throughout our lives, since. If she doesn't want contact, I can't do much about it < shrug >

  • Lindybird said:
    My OH used to be just over 6ft, Clare, but he may have shrunk a bit now, as you do. Our Youngest is 6ft 2" and has to bend a little so I can peck his cheek! (I'm only 5ft 5")

    You're a lot closer to the average female height than I am.  I love being tall but occasionally it has its down side (buying jeans and trousers, for instance!).

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Second day of 35 C had me drooping. Cool change arrived late pm. I must get on with things next few days before heat returns Most gifts wrapped. No unexpected Xmas cards yet. Politicians’ annual greeting cards are useful as they come with a calendar marking school holidays. OH had easy nanny duty while Dau was at Miss5’s kindy graduation (!!!) as both Misses L & J were asleep.


    OG – We have the family this year. It’s always C-mas lunch with turkey & lots of veg, followed by pudding and/or chocolate cream pie. About 3 pm we waddle into lounge to open gifts. When the room is knee-deep in wrapping paper & gifts, the Littles plead for a trip to the playground (a small reserve 2 houses away with swings, slippery dip & climbing stuff). It is the male part of the family who provide the excort. Usually s-i-ls help with the dishes. By 5 pm all is quiet, some gone on to tea with other rellies, some to take overtired children home. Oh snoozes in front of TV.

  • Waiting for patient transport. All I was told was 'any time after 8am'. ANNETTE- I have no idea how long OH will be the hospital. I spend a lot of my time making plans for situations yet to develop! Have been phoning various friends for info regarding a night carer some nights, so that I can get some sleep. OH has started trying to get out of bed without alerting me. This is new.

  • Heather, I do hope that all will be fine with your husband and that they come to a conclusion of what is needed for him. You must be so tired and worried. Prayers and hugs for you both. X

  • Drizzle and a dark morning here. No HW done here yet. Trying to buy presents that can be delivered direct to D-i-L's, mother's house so that we won't have so much to pack/ carry to Scotland. Still have some presents to buy. Christmas tree is lit outside, but still need to put lights on big plant in porch.

    I lifted a hanging basket yesterday and find that my shoulder is paining quite badly now. Still the same injury as a couple of months ago. I told OH that I am beginning to 'fall apart'.

    I need to go. Back later.

  • Hello all

    Reading all your news and thank you for same.

    OH in his hospital bed. I must be the NOK from h*** because they kept reassuring me that they would look after him!

    Always thinking about everyone on here, especially MARGO and hoping, OG, that your X-Ray will be OK.

    BRENDA - take care of that dodgy shoulder.

    Going back to RNI soon for afternoon visiting.

  • Hope you find him settled in comfortably, Heather. How are you getting to the hospital for visiting?  I do hope a kind neighbour or relative will be taking you.

    Very damp and rainy here -- I went out on errands and got wet through. Managed to post some Christmas cards by hand, then scuttled home. Off out again shortly, on the toy buying mission.