Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 27 November 2016


I hope everyone has a wonderful week. Sending hugs and love to all those facing adversity.

Happy New Moon (Dark Moon) on Monday night/Tuesday morning!

Trumpeter Swans wintering at Skeedskadee National Wildlife Refuge, Wyoming
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service photo, labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Thanks.  More to come!

    Will try to scan a paper map I have of the Olympic site, Annette - don't know where on the net I saw a map.

  • Lindybird: Don't worry about scanning maps - you've got all those Xmas cards to do.  I found enough to get an idea of the layout.  

  • Good intentions - gone!  Yesterday was ssoooo busy!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Have a good Friday, everyone!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • At least you're getting things done, OG!

    Good Morning to you, and Everyone.  

    I was sad to hear of the passing of Andrew Sachs last night, what a lovely man by all accounts. He made me laugh so much in Fawlty Towers!

  • Hello all

    Yes, LINDY, sorry to hear about the death of Andrew Sachs. I heard John Cleese on the radio this morning, speaking about their rapport when making Fawlty Towers. I agree with what he said - it takes a very special talent to successfully act in a farce. I haven't put that very well but I'm sure you get my gist.

    Waiting for OH to wake up and youngest son in law to arrive. He (SiL) is coming to collect the rest of their Christmas decorations which have been stored in our loft. They haven't yet sorted out and floored the loft in their new home. A bit of a rushed visit since he heard yesterday that he will be going away tomorrow - oil related industry.

    Not too cold outside here, today. The house is like an oven, OH is always cold, these days. An extra layer doesn't seem to do the trick so we can expect a huge heating bill. He seems to have lost interest in that kind of thing.

    Hope that you all have a good day x

  • Good Morning Everyone. A cloudy morning has meant no frost to start the day.

    Linda, Thank you for your very interesting holiday photographs.
    I was also so sorry to hear of Andrew Sachs death. Not only was he so brilliant in Fawlty Towers, he was also an excellent actor in so many other productions and also  documentaries.

    Heather, My OH leaves the heating on all day. Something I never did when he was working. I have asked him what he will do when the really cold weather arrives.

    Margo is having a unit of blood today, to make sure she will cope with her sister's funeral on Monday. She is feeling very tired and drained.  

  • Always thinking about MARGO, BRENDA. She sent me a lovely email the other day, asking about OH and I, when she should have been thinking about herself.

  • I had an email yesterday from Margo, which I only read late last night. I hope the extra help will make it easier for her on Monday.

    Cold here, but nothing like as icy as before.  We had the heating off after the first hour or two of this morning.  Just put it back on, now for a little while. We try to ration it, and use the thermostat.  I do try to remember the idea that you should just wear an extra layer if you feel it!