Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 27 November 2016


I hope everyone has a wonderful week. Sending hugs and love to all those facing adversity.

Happy New Moon (Dark Moon) on Monday night/Tuesday morning!

Trumpeter Swans wintering at Skeedskadee National Wildlife Refuge, Wyoming
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service photo, labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Still have the copy of Little Women that I got for my tenth birthday. Also Good Wives.

    On my desk, Heidi, given on my eleventh birthday. I kept them thinking that granddaughters would read them. I don't think so! Mia went to bed with a JK Rowling last night. Apparently she asked if everyone could hurry up and say goodnight to her so that she could start reading lol.
  • Oh, yes, Pat and Heather!

    Little Women, Good Wives, and Jo's Boys.    .... brilliant books.  I kept mine, too. Also loved Heidi and re-read it many times:  once, in a national poll for the most loved books, I voted for Heidi. 

  • The Water Babies, The Railway Children, Children of the New Forest ... so many memories.  But sadly I guess J K Rowling would win the poll these days.

  • Hello all.   Thanks Diane for the start and beautiful pic of swans. Hope all is well with you.

    Annette - well done on your detective work and it makes all the difference when someone will confess and come and apologise. Glad he had the common sense to do so (with a little help!!)

    HeatherB - so pleased to hear that you can now get the help needed to aid your OH.

    Lindybird - nice to hear things are rolling along and that you are ok.

    OG - take it you have a new grandson/daughter and glad you enjoyed the trip to see them.

    Margo - remembering you and hope you are coping with the things that are going on in your life.

    To all those not mentioned in name - hope all is OK

    As we are not going up to Manchester this year because of the problems with the family home, we have decided , just the 3 of us, to pop along to a local pub on Boxing Day for a meal.  It will be the first time in 64 years that I have not been at the family home on Boxing Day. Hope to make it in the New Year when building work is completed!!!

    Not a lot going on here.   Weather today has been beautiful with sunshine and frost at the start of the day.

  • Evening all:  Good day with daughter. Now plopped in front of TV. Phew!

    Heather: When is your brother due to visit? Tell him to bring his long johns.

    Lindybird: What a lovely weekend for your friend. I like the sound of the Kew Gardens outing (and that "famous restaurant" meal sounds nice, but send the bill to someone else!).  Oh dear, I've never read Little Women or any of the other books mentioned.  :-(  Would probably prefer a Rowling book.

    PatO: The Railway Children rings a bell.

    Lynette: Boxing Day plan sounds reasonable under the circumstances.  

    Have to take OH's car for repairs tomorrow; he gets a rental car, courtesy of the other insurance company, while ours is being fixed.  I'll be interested to see how much the repairs will cost, given that our car is an 18-year-old vehicle that has 200K miles on it and has some cosmetic issues.

    Best thoughts to all for a good Wednesday.

  • Good Morning Everyone.  Frosty and crisp here.

    Annette - "The Railway Children" was made into a very popular film, some years back, so that might be why you remember it. Starring Jenny Agutter and Bernard Cribbens.

    Lynette - You may find you enjoy having your Christmas meal out, without the hassle!

    Off out again today, to do various errands including dropping off bag at Charity Shop, and taking my OH with me to lug large bag of dried dog food home in car. Hoping to get the important birthday balloon whilst there, too.

    Hope everyone has a good day!

  • Good Morning Everyone. A beautiful, crisp, cold and frosty morning, as I look out of the window, but I haven't ventured outside yet.

    I have copies of most of the above mentioned books. Books I will never forget. J K Rowling is definitely not a favourite author of mine, although I did enjoy the Harry Potter films and seeing the studio.

    Lynette, Sounds a sensible solution for the three of you at Christmas.

    Annette, Hope the car repairs are carried out successfully. So annoying when the damage is not your own fault.

    Linda, I have put out a charity bag this morning for the Air Ambulance and I am trying to keep watch that it is picked up by genuine volunteers.

    Time for another hot drink and plan what we need to do today.

  • We've returned after a successful morning out: got the much wanted birthday balloon, and some favourite pasties from M&S. I ran around Sainsburys, whilst my OH went to the Pet Supermarket for the doggy food. When we came back and turned the car into our road, we saw the delivery man standing in our driveway with our new stereo system!  Good job we caught him in time.

    I had it plugged in before we got our lunch......  now to experiment with all the controls!

  • Exciting times, LINDY! Hope you are listening to music...

    ANNETTE- will be interested to hear how the car repairs go. Good detective work regarding the culprits!

    BRENDA- hope that your charity bag was picked up by genuine company. I don't blame you for checking.

    Sorry, have lost the plot a bit so will have missed out some folk.

    Equipment for OH is arriving on a daily basis. Today, a shower stool and arrangements made

    for grab rails in shower. Also a frame to go over the loo. Tomorrow a perching chair for upstairs bathroom will come, plus a bar to help him sit up on to side of bed. I'm amazed at how fast things are happening, what a wonderful team at our local community hospital. I found myself hugging the OT today, I was a bit tearful.

  • Just had a busy few days. Now catching up.

    So glad, Heather, to read that you are getting some help. Your local hospital seems a good place to know.

    The book subject brings back memories. I was never very keen on 'Little Women"etc. (My mother thought I should read them)! I loved 'Children of the New Forest" Must read it again.

    Exciting that your new stereo has arrived, Lindy. Hope you can figure out all the controls. I would find it a challenge.