Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 27 November 2016


I hope everyone has a wonderful week. Sending hugs and love to all those facing adversity.

Happy New Moon (Dark Moon) on Monday night/Tuesday morning!

Trumpeter Swans wintering at Skeedskadee National Wildlife Refuge, Wyoming
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service photo, labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • It's OK LINDY, the dining room to bedroom thing is something we'd always planned if it was necessary. There was just something about the conversation that made me feel he was telling me, not making a suggestion.

    I know he means well and I'm very fond of him but since all this started I have felt a bit uncomfortable about things. For example, he went up to our filing cabinet when I was out shopping, took the file relating to our car and discussed with his father about putting it off the road. I know that my OH is unlikely to drive again, but had not mentioned this to OH since I didn't want him to think negatively just now. Plus, none of my children would dream of going into what is essentially a private space and rake through our filing cabinets.
  • Would like to delete the above post but have forgotten how to !

    I'm not really a wicked stepmother LOL.

    OH' s first wife died nineteen years ago and we met as widow and widower. Mostly, things have been easy with the joined families and I'll do my best to keep it that way :-)

  • Safe home - will read posts tomorrow if possible.  Baby is as lovely as she looks!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Good that you're home again, OG, after all that travelling.  Hoping you have a pic of the lovely babe!

    Heather - I see what you mean. My children would not open a drawer in our house.

  • Heather: You only have a limited time to delete a post before the option goes away. However, you can click "Edit" and that will let you access the post and delete anything you wish to remove.

    So sorry that life has been rough for you lately. Sending healing energy to your OH and strength to you.

  • Evening all:  

    Keith: Sounds like you've got some good leads for carers; do hope the OT folks get their fingers out and provide the help you need sooner than later!

    Heather:  Well, I was going to say that maybe step-son was anticipating future problems and raised the issue, albeit a little prematurely and perhaps not too tactfully, to get you thinking about options in case you have to make such adaptations in an emergency.  (Hope you told him you and your OH have already discussed such eventualities.)  But going into files is a no-no unless, of course, he and your OH were discussing the car and your OH told him to go get the file.

    Harelady: Love that saying "Tough times don't last; tough people do."  

    OG: Welcome home - I bet that baby girl was the highlight of the trip!

    Off to daughter's tomorrow.  Hope Tuesday is kind to all.

  • Morning, All.  Cold here but the frost doesn't look as bad as we were threatened with.

    Off to Friends for a coffee this morning, to hear about their wonderful weekend in London - sounds as if it was pretty amazing!

    Hope that everyone ailing is keeping warm.

  • Good morning

    Cold here but not frosty. Not a lot planned for today but going to make soup to use up some veggies lurking in the cool box.

    Welcome home, OG! I bet that you took lots of pictures of the new GGD - maybe one with the pink teddy?

    Everyone - have a good day.

  • To cheer everyone up on this cold day.....

    A pup who doesn't want to swim in the sea.....

  • Good Morning Everyone. Quite a cold frosty morning here.

    Diane, Thank you for starting the week with such a lovely swan picture.

    Heather, Hugs to you. This is a very difficult time for you and I am glad to see that you are getting some help from the physio. Maybe it would be better if you kept the filing cabinet locked, to avoid any future problems.

    OG, I can feel your joy at seeing your GG Daughter. Cant wait to see some photographs, please.

    Linda, A lovely puppy pic, although it makes me feel cold on this frosty morning.  

    We went on a local National Trust  Christmas shopping trip to BlueWater yesterday. We managed to do quite a lot of shopping, as there were so many shops to choose from, but it took two hours to get there. Guess who was coach sick for both the going and returning rides. The driver did a detour to avoid major road works, down winding roads. The coach was also too hot. Don't think I will be doing that coach trip again !!!