Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 27 November 2016

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  • Must get to bed....night, All.

  • Good Morning.  Cold here, but not as freezing as it's supposed to be tonight!

    Annette - Sorry your OH had such a drama with the car: at least the mystery is now solved and it can be sorted. 

    I must go and get hosed down and ready for action, lots to do today on the To Do List!

    Have a good Monday, Everyone.  Especially dear Margo's OH, who has his birthday today. I hope they can celebrate together.

  • Hello all - Thank you DIANE for starting the week.

    Thanks also for news. I'm not making replies at the moment but just wanted to say that the physio saw OH this morning. He has been given neck and eye exercises, forbidden to go to bed through the day and she will bring a walking aid here tomorrow morning. She can see that both of us are very anxious about his mobility and the danger of falling. I wasn't aware that my anxiety was so obvious!! The OT will visit and assess the shower and staircase etc.

    I didn't realise just how much better we would both feel, just knowing that help is at hand. I tend to think that I have sole responsibility for all matters health related, here, and it was so good to talk with someone who has specialist knowledge and expertise that I don't have.

  • Hi Heather - I'm so pleased that you're getting some good advice. Also, that you feel you can share the responsibility for your OHs well being - I know that having a past involved in nursing, you're better informed than most of us, but you can't sort it all out on your own, you need expert advice in some areas.

    Do hope you can both relax a little, now, and see what can be done - I'm often surprised at what's available!

  • Hi Heather: I have some more information that may help you. Our GP referred us to Carers Gloucestershire and Social Services/Occupational Therapy. If you search for Carers UK you can find if you have a County Branch. Carers Gloucestershire put me in touch with an Oxfordshire based Organisation (who's name escapes me at the moment) who provide a document which, when completed, provides Local volunteers and Local Authorities with all the details of what you do as a carer so that if you have a problem the initial 3 days are covered until more support can be put in place. With the new hoists I am now starting to complete all these details, as I cannot guarantee that I won't have a problem. Also the local Carers Gloucester are providing a series of seminars early next year to enlighten carers where you can go for help and what support is available. ( I know that sounds slightly bland but I would take up to many pages to give full detail.) The first batch of 6 I am booking on and sorting my stepdaughter to come over in my absence. Hope this helps. We are still waiting for OT to wake up after their initial call as we desperately need advice on a better sling to use in view of our changes in how we use a sling now. Good luck and take care!

  • Heather: Hope your OH was as reassured by the physio as you were - will she be visiting again or will you have to take him in for any further assessment?

    Lindybird: I'll add my birthday wishes to the ones you're sending to Margo's super OH.

    Rosy: Worse things that burned sausages and maybe they didn't taste so bad after the pre-dinner drinks. :-)

    Off to get organized....

  • Thank you, KEITH. I really appreciate you taking the time to post and will certainly remember what you have said re organisation of care etc.

    ANNETTE - Physio will visit tomorrow at 10.30. After that, who knows?! I'll find out what the future plans are.

    I'm a bit down just now. OH's son is lovely and has been very supportive but they were here this afternoon and I got the feeling that he is trying to tell me what to do re adaptations of house, changing dining room to bedroom, etc. He means well but this is the sort of situation where I struggle a bit, as the second wife and stepmother. I can see that he finds it difficult to offer emotional support (like his dad, he doesn't talk about things) so he focusses solely on practical things. It is my home, my husband we are talking about. I don't want to be sidelined here. Sorry for rant!!

  • Heather - I can totally appreciate your rant?!

  • For what's it's worth Heather - you must do as you think best - you are the one there 24/7.

    I feel for all those going though tough times - you all do remarkable things -  but tough times don't last - tough people do!

    Thinking of you all - especially Margo xx

  • Well said, Harelady.  I like your quote!

    Heather - You say your stepson is very good, and it seems to me that you have a good relationship with your OHs family, so it sounds as if he is just trying to be helpful. I would have suggested a bedroom downstairs, myself :-)  even if only temporarily.

    Just try to be receptive to any suggestions, from anyone, as it's all well meant. The final say will always lay with you, and of course, your OH. If necessary you could hint to him that although his son is very kind, you will only adopt his ideas if they make sense to you.

    EDIT -  Don't forget that men do always focus on the practical side of things - my OH is famous for it, a tower of strength if there's something he can do physically, but lost when it comes to emotional support. ;-)

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