Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 27 November 2016


I hope everyone has a wonderful week. Sending hugs and love to all those facing adversity.

Happy New Moon (Dark Moon) on Monday night/Tuesday morning!

Trumpeter Swans wintering at Skeedskadee National Wildlife Refuge, Wyoming
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service photo, labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Diane: Thank YOU!  Lovely image of swans.

    Lindybird: Doesn't sound like it bothers you and OH too much that you might lose the fields behind you. Let's hope it'll be another couple of decades before anything happens. We have an old stereo system (they probably don't even call them that these days - my OH stll says hi-fi!!).  Does your new one come with a remote?

    Rosy: That sounds like my dinner routine!

    PatO: Sad to think that someone might be so lonely they depend on a delivery person for company. We have neighbors who get daily deliveries, but it's part of their business.  Size 5 is pretty small isn't it?  I have a similar problem at the other end of the scale.

    Heather:  Is your kitchen completely done now? What will you do for coffee while awaiting your new pod machine?

    AQ:  Will be interesting to see where Miss20 starts her teaching career.  I think men are simply not hard-wired to ask the important questions! .  :-)

    Has been an interesting day; no plans for any zooming about tomorrow...

  • Gorgeous picture, Diane - I love swans.

    What shoe size are you, Annette?  I'm a UK 8, which roughly equates to a US 10/11.  That puts me at the top end of standard sizing here.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Good Morning, All.  Thanks to Diane for the lovely swans pic, to start us off.

    Annette - It will have a remote, and special integral speakers, which will help as at present we have one quite large speaker on the floor, and one on the sideboard. More space now for my ever increasing display of family photos!

    I'm size 6 to 7 in shoes, and often find that my size is sold out.

  • Annette - We were dismayed at first, when we heard about possible plans for the nearby fields. When we first came here, we thought that to be realistic, one day maybe 20 years away, they might build on them as we're on the edge of the town and one day it will expand. We, of course, will not be here by then!

    There are definite plans now for several hundred houses to be built on the other side of the town, but here we are near a large school which is growing and they want to put the sports/rugby/cricket fields behind our house, which won't be too bad as hopefully we may be able to see over this to the distant view - we can see as far as hills 20 miles away!  However, to fund this there will be a small number of houses built. It will remain to be seen, if the plans for this will be passed as it's controversial.

  • Quiet on here again, today.

    We went for a walk, wrapped up well, but it really isn't that cold. Bonnie found a gloriously muddy puddle and paddled in it until she was wearing four black 'boots' on her legs. When we shouted at her to come out, she skittered off and found another deeper puddle, and splashed around until she was a disgrace!

    Next door, their relatives have been turning up and filling their car boots with dozens of flattened cardboard boxes which the new furniture and equipment have been delivered in! They must be going to the local Tip with it all.

    I've been wrapping birthday presents as it's our grandson Tomasz's birthday this week - 6 already! I also have to go out in search of a birthday balloon for him as I promised him one.

  • Morning all

    Clare: I'm a 10-1/2 to 11 US. Groan. But have figured out which stores carry 10+ sizes.

    Lindybird: That's odd. I'm always dismayed by the apparent abundance of shoes in those mid-sizes.  Cricket field would be my first choice if all else failed. Assume you and your OH are keeping an eye on developments.  Are you going to see Tomasz on his b/day?

    We had a busy day yesterday. I went out in the morning and found someone had bashed the back left bumper of OH's car, dislodged the attached side panel, and bumped the car toward the curb to the point where it damaged the back left wheel cover. Debris from offending vehicle's lamp scattered about; white paint on the back of our car. We called the sheriff's office and reported it, just for the record. Then I added 2+2 and decided to putter round the corner to where group of young men live to see if I could arrive at 4 and - surprise - there's a very familiar white car with damage to its right front fender, front panel, and lights.  Sheriff came by our house. I was sure 2+2 made 4 by then, and she strolled over to the kids' house to investigate.  No answer; no surprise.  She then ran the licence plate of the white car and found there was a record of another incident, so contacted the owner by phone, whereupon he 'fessed up to hitting our car. ("It was five in the morning; I was exhausted and meant to come over later and tell them."  Of course!)  She pointed out that a hit-and-run is an arrestable offence).  Long story short, he came over to our house and apologized profusely, gave us his insurance info (sheriff on hand) and told me he'd panicked. She issued him a citation; not sure what for.   They're basically a nice and considerate bunch of kids in that house and ff the silly twit had left a note, we might have arranged something to save him the legal hassle, but oh well.

    Anyway, off to sort of start the day. Lovely rain yesterday and more today. The gardens are loving it!

  • Well done for the detective work, Annette. What an awful thing to happen. Glad the sheriff was on the case. If the silly man had owned up, it would have saved you so much hassle! I suppose he panicked.

    Hope you are having  a better day today, after the rain.

  • Thank you for starting the week, Diane, and the swan picture. I see our two local swans almost daily. They do not appear to have any cygnets this year, none that survived, anyway.

  • Time flies, Lindy.  Hope you find that birthday balloon for Thomasz.

    Soon you will have more space for the Birthday photo, when your new music system arrives!

    A few of us met at a neighbours house for drinks earlier, so am running late. I had left some sausages in the oven, and they were rather well done. At least no problem with food poisoning!

  • Hope the sausages were at least edible, Rosy.  We had a simple cheese omelette this evening, it was delicious. I do less and less cooking on a Sunday, these days.

    I've done some more shopping online, so there will be more parcels arriving this week. Just won't be looking forward to getting the bills, later!