Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 20 November 2016


I hope everyone has a wonderful week.

Sending good energy to everyone coping with adversity.

White-Tailed Deer Eating Snow
Labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

  • Hallo all:  

    Diane: Thank you for the deer licking his lips. I was planning to start the thread, but the morning was filled with phone calls, etc., etc.,  and then, when I finally went outside to start futzing in the garden, I noticed that Lightning seemed to be having a problem in the piddling department.  Watched her for another hour and came to the conclusion she might have a bladder infection. Our own vet was jam-packed so we took her to pussy cat A&E where they suspected that was the case but wanted to do all kinds of tests (think $$$$$s) so I said Thank you but we'll just try the ABs and see how she is Monday morning (when our own vet is open).  It's definitely been one of those days. Hope yours are evening out a bit.....

    bjane: Good Lord. Was that 9 hours before the ruling or after it? Do you spend the night there? How far away is it?  Assume there are no siblings or other family members to lend a hand. What if you couldn't make it one day?

    Brenda: Hope Angus doesn't give you any aggro.

    Margo: Sending very best thoughts to you dear.

    Pulled the potted plants out from under the eaves and dragged the patio chairs under the eaves since it looks like we may actually get some rain tomorrow.  Hope this coming week is kind to all....

  • Heather: Belated Happy Birthday to you!!!

    I'm so very sorry that your OH is feeling so poorly. I know from much experience how difficult caregiving is. Please take care of yourself, get rest when you can, and ask for help when you need it. I'm sending you strength. My thoughts are with you.

    bjane: Our healthcare system is already inadequate and abysmal, and no doubt it will get worse now. I'm so sorry that you must face such challenges. My heart goes out to you.

    Lindy: Lovely poems. I loved those owls. I'm glad your caravan escaped damage.

    Brenda: I hope your daughter-in-law is progressing well.

    dibnlib: Feel better! 

    OG: I hope you didn't overdo it with the ironing and other chores! Take time to rest, my friend.

    George: So nice to hear from you. I hope you enjoy the time with your son next weekend. Good idea to go out to eat for the holidays!

    Djoan: So wonderful to see a post from you!!! I remember when we used to discuss owls all the time. :-) Do pop in and tell us how you are at any time you feel like it. Hope you're keeping well.

    Nairnred/Jenny: Also lovely to see a post from you. Hope you're well, too.

    AQ: So sorry you possibly won't have any more opportunities for journeys for a while, due to the threats from brush fires. I always enjoy your descriptions of your travels.

    Rosy: I hope your plumbing problems are being repaired! Leaks are so annoying!

    Pat O: Hello to you. Always nice to see your posts.

  • Annette: I saw your post asking whether R.T. Hawk welcomed me home. I don't know. LOL

    I stopped at the super-store on my way home from Lafayette. I shopped all day, stocking up on groceries for the first part of winter. I also bought a dehumidifier to help with the mold in the house, and I bought a new heater because mine had quit. I also picked out new winter snow/work boots. These were heavy, insulated pac boots. (Not pretty boots, Lindy. LOL).

    When I arrived home, it took me a couple of hours to unload my clothes from the trip, groceries, and supplies. It was dark when I finished. I slammed the lid of the trunk (boot in the U.K., I think). I must have woke R. T. Hawk because he screeched at me loudly. I don't know whether he was glad to see me or was complaining because I was making noise after dark. LOL LOL!

    Hope you're okay, A.

  • Annette: Our posts crossed. Awful that Lightning is having difficulties. Hope she gets better on the antibiotics! 

    Sorry that your life is hectic. Best wishes to you.

    No worries about starting the thread; I wanted to.

  • Oh, by the way, I posted the deer eating snow because today my land had the first snowflakes of the season. Winter is here.

  • Diane: Sounds like you're all set for the next couple of months. My daughter used to wear those heavy pac boots when she lived in the Sierras (where some ski resorts opened today).  Say Hi to RTH!

  • Good Morning, and thank you to DIANE for starting the thread off again. I loved the snowy deer! :-)

    Glad you are stocking up for Winter, with supplies. Those boots sound sensible!  I do have sensible ones, too, LOL! Wonder if RTH had been waiting for your return to his domain. We've had a little snow here, on the mountains and high ground: winter has arrived. Edit:  I thought of you as I posted the cute owls!

    Very cold here this morning. Hoping to take a walk with Bonnie and my OH, and take a look at my Christmas card stocks.

  • Went to jump in the shower, and found that our water has been cut off. Aaaargh!

  • Dear All

    Thankyou for condolences on the sad loss of my beautiful sister. I am not in a good place at the moment and all the family are struggling to take our loss in. Her funeral will not be until 5 December and will just be a quiet affair with just the family present. These are her wishes and tomorrow will be going over to sort her clothes and jewellery out with my niece.

    I feel guilty that I am still here, we never imagined that we would lose her first. She surrounded me with so much love and support over the past 5 years or so. I take comfort that she is now free from pain but it is hard to accept she is no longer in my life.

  • Good Morning Everyone. A very wet and extremely windy night. We had a phone call to say that our priest couldn't drive to our church this morning, because of fallen trees. We haven't ventured out yet.

    We received our first Christmas card yesterday, from a  friend in Berkshire !!!  Rather early, I think.

    Diane, Thank you for starting the week, especially with the beautiful deer photograph. Good to see that you have been stocking up for winter.  
    Our D-i-L is continuing to progress so well. Her operation scar spreads from one hip bone to the other, although it is a very neat line and hopefully will fade.

    Bjane, What a worrying situation for you. As you say, you are getting older and you can't be expected to continue with such a routine. X

    Rosy, I was also wondering about your plumbing problems. Did your nice plumber return ?

    Annette, I do hope your promised rain arrives. I would like to place an order for your tangerines, please. Tangerines always remind me of Christmas. I always got one in my Christmas stocking.

    The wind is quietening down somewhat now. I opened the front door to find a mountain of leaves and someone's large water bottle, ready to blow up the hall. My OH did clear the garden of leaves, but it is all now worse than it was before. Hope we have a quiet afternoon before the next batch of rain arrives this evening !!