WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY NOVEMBER 13, 2016

Look back at last week for Lindybird's lovely Remembrance Day poem and related posts.

Veteran's Day was yesterday here, but there were some events today judging by the various planes that flew in formations along the beach.   

Best thoughts to all this week..

  • I do not have a Costco, Annette, but I was also concerned about OG watching nodding reindeer!!! Yes, also glad that there are four of them.

    Sorry about your cousin Dibnlib. Not good news. Hope something suitable can be arranged for her and her OH to cope at home.

    Interesting travels, as usual, AQ. We are all following you. Lunch under a shady tree sounds good.

    We have been to a friend's 70th Birthday lunch today, at a restaurant nearby.

    It was lovely occasion, with family and friends. We had met most of the family  fifteen years ago, at her OH's 70th. We told each other we hadn't  changed a bit!

    Of course, there were no grandchildren then.

  • Oh, dear, Heather. Sorry to hear it. Do hope you can get some help.

    What a pity if it prevents him keeping his ENT appointment.

  • Sorry to read that Heather. Hope the GP can help tomorrow.

  • Sounds like a lovely celebration, Rosy.

    Keith - That part after the Planet Earth, showing how it was made, was really scary!!

  • Just Googled Planet Earth 11 and found a YouTube video of bears "dancing" to Jungle Boogie. A hoot! So well edited.  I couldn't remember the original Planet Earth, which apparently was narrated by Sigourney Weaver (although that does ring a bell). The American producers also changed the script and, as one viewer put it, exchanged the more literate (my word) documentary style of David Attenborough for one that seemed aimed at junior-high-school kids.  It figures. I actually think I do remember it now...

    Heather: Bah! You must be exhausted.

    dibnlib: Sounds like an exhausting time ahead for cousin and family too.  

  • Linda – OH went out for lunch during power cut. He said when he came home from bus, he was escorted down our street (occ health & safety?). They were half hour late restoring power. He thinks they replaced a stobie pole or two.


    Annette – See you soon. We have seen plenty of “for sale” properties (of varying state of repair) while on our escapes. We even have a Costco at Kilburn. Whales down by Victor Harbor or at Head of the Bight.


    Father C-mas arrived in town last Saturday in the usual C-Pageant. Dau takes her tribe to a local suburban pageant. Crowds are smaller, not so long to wait for action. Some people arrived for the big one at 9 pm night before to stake their favourite spot!

  • Good Morning All:  damp and drizzly here at the moment, though it might dry up later. We're packing up for the last time this year, and saying goodbye to friends till next year.

    AQ - Your Ch. Pageants seem to start earlier each year! Or is it my imagination, LOL!!

  • It's been overcast all day. Now that the super moon is rising, the cloud has cleared except for a low bank along the eastern horizon.

  • Half an hour after moonrise and the cloud has spread. I'll just have to get excited about a streetlight in the general direction. <sigh>

  • Daddy Reindeer - I think they call him Noel.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!