WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY NOVEMBER 13, 2016

Look back at last week for Lindybird's lovely Remembrance Day poem and related posts.

Veteran's Day was yesterday here, but there were some events today judging by the various planes that flew in formations along the beach.   

Best thoughts to all this week..

  • AQ; Thanks for more information on your Escapes. Given our current political situation I may be there in person!  Will check them out later.

    Lindybird: May have to investigate that caravan next to you - I'm trying to keep my options open (Canada? Wales? Oz?....)  :-))

    OG: You can tell I've been hanging out at Costco too much: When I read that the reindeer had arrived and that you'd spent time watching them, I initially had visions of you and EE in front of a display of those plug-in lighted reindeer that nod up and down. :-)

    Off to set the garden to rights (gave up on the world).

  • Just had news from my cousins OH.  It seems that she will be in hosp for another 2-3 months. He has also said they may have to have a downstairs bedroom built as the care people are limited in the assistance they are able to give, something to do with health and safety I guess.  He has also been told that it will be 1-2 years before her skin is repaired.  To make matters even worse it has been suggested she may have some dementia, probably due to diabetes. Her memory is way below where it should be. (she is 55). I did notice when we saw her in hosp in Sept that she did ask the same question a few times, but put that down to the environment, and nothing more sinister. How they both cope with this nightmare I have no idea, but as we see on this site, there are some strong people around.

  • Don't think even we 'oldies' can fix the world now, Annette!!

    Reindeer have become increasingly popular here at Christmastime: there are more of them around in the UK now, alongside the alpacas and llamas!! - so they're available for looking seasonal, besides the usual donkeys :-)

    Went to my favourite Garden Centre here and came out with a small neat shoulder bag, a Christmas star made of metal which you hang up, plus a new birds peanut feeder!  Lots of starry eyed tots queuing up to be photographed besides a nodding Santa figure with perpetually falling snow in a cabinet - Aw!!

  • Rain all day here..

    Sadly worry about these ad hoc reindeer as they should be kept on herds as they are up here in the Cairngorms. There have been some worrying photos of some suffering.

  • The reindeer we have are from a herd, and are returning to that herd straight after Christmas - also there are four of them here together.  The ones I worry about are when people hire just one or two.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Oh that's good to hear OG..

    Have read stories of ones going " rogue" due to lack of knowledge and care.

  • Dibnlib - I missed your post as I was writing mine over a period of time. Sorry to hear of the sad tale of your cousin.

  • Planet Earth 2 - I'm not going paragliding with him!!!!!

  • Sorry everyone, will appear when I can. OHs infection returned again, with a vengeance. Will need to be seen again by GP.  Don't know if he will make it to hospital tomorrow for his ENT appointment for drainage of fluid from left middle ear. :-(

    I will post if I have anything to tell you! Meantime, going to lurk.

    Take care, all

  • Fingers crossed things change overnight Heather xx