WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY NOVEMBER 13, 2016

Look back at last week for Lindybird's lovely Remembrance Day poem and related posts.

Veteran's Day was yesterday here, but there were some events today judging by the various planes that flew in formations along the beach.   

Best thoughts to all this week..

  • Pat -  Agree that it's strange weather - we have the heating on, but only on a low temp, and it keeps turning itself off! I really think we'll all feel better when it becomes more 'normal' !!

    My OH likes it because he hates getting the heating bills......

    Rang my Friend, and told her we had returned yesterday. She said that they had a long day out today, and went to Caernarfon to see the Poppies at the castle. We could have given them lunch if they'd gone a day earlier.......  don't understand it!   < shrug >

  • Heather: I feel for you you do seem to be somewhat of a trooper. Chin up!

  • Heather, Sorry you have such a difficult day. You must be very tired yourself.

    Hope the new AB's help your OH to feel better. Not up to

    speed with a cochlear implant. Will consult Dr. Google.

    Pat, I am not a golfer, but it is nice that it can be played outside all year. I played indoor bowls this afternoon. Very badly, I regret to say! I couldn't get anything right.

    Lindy, I am always thinking that I have forgotten to switch off something when I leave the house. I have had to make phone calls to a neighbour from the Airport. I always have done so (so far)

    I don't think the supermoon is visible tonight. Pity to have missed it.

    The plumber came at 8am this morning. Still have a dripping (all over the worktop) tap, and a temperamental shower. He has to send for a cartridge for the tap??, and a manual for the shower. He was supposed to come last Friday, but he had an emergency. Such is life! He is a lovely man, though, and worth waiting for. He did check out the boiler and fit a new programmer, that I can see clearly. I needed a magnifying glass for the previous one!

    Thinking of Diane, and Margo and their families.

    FB, Good that you are in command of the hoists.

  • Evening all:  Nice lunch with friend;  no plans for the rest of this week.

    AQ: Too many window panes!  Eeek.

    Heather: I was wondering if a cochlear implant might be on the horizon. Would be good if that's an option (I think).  Can't imagine it was a fun day for you either!

    Have read everyone's news; forgive missing individual responses. Seem to have had all kinds of projects and distractions of late.

    Can't seem to get Rich Formatting to work!

  • Good morning.  Dry and breezy here - and a day at home with only routine stuff to do - and some newsletter typing (most prolific contributor gives me his items in longhand so I have to transcribe, but at least he always can be relied on to be early with them!)

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Good Morning, All.  Dry here.

    Rosy - Its dispiriting when during a sport, you can't get anything right!  You just have to remember that another time, things will go better. Or so my OH says when he comes home from a bad morning's golf! He was rained off yesterday as the course was too waterlogged to play.

    Annette - Glad you enjoyed your lunch out.

  • OG - See we've crossed posts again! Hope all three of you are well.

  • Good Morning Everyone. Rain overnight, but dry with some sunshine at the moment.

    Son and his wife due to arrive mid morning. We will go out for lunch. daughter-i-L still on a restricted diet, but they want to eat out. Maybe it is my cooking. lol.

    I heard from Margo. She spent most of the day, yesterday with her sister, who, you will now realise, is non communitive.

  • Thanks for news of dear Margo, BRENDA.  Thinking of Margo, her sister and their family at this difficult time.

    Enjoy having your family and enjoy your lunch out, BRENDA.

    We're off to see sis-in-law for a gossip.

  • BRENDA   Have a great time with your family and ditto LINDY.

    So very sad for MARGO  just watching and waiting.