WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY NOVEMBER 13, 2016

Look back at last week for Lindybird's lovely Remembrance Day poem and related posts.

Veteran's Day was yesterday here, but there were some events today judging by the various planes that flew in formations along the beach.   

Best thoughts to all this week..

  • KEITH    Glad things are progressing.

  • DIBNLIB - echoing your thoughts for Keith and his OH.  I wish the situation was better for your Mum - that care time allowed seems so little - especially just 30 minutes for a shower!  And as you say there should be some way to make sure she is actually eating her meals.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • It's still damp and grey here - been out with OH and collected some things ordered, plus a quick run around Tesco, where I only go occasionally, as it's not local to us. Bought some Christmas slices! - my OH loves them but we discovered that they're not cake covered in marzipan and icing, but just icing, so he's disappointed.

    Hoping that Heather and her OH have made it to the ENT appointment today......

  • Boo - cloud came down this afternoon - sun was shining under it, but moon not visible through it.

    My OH would like those slices, Linda, as he doesn't really like marzipan!  We often have slices rather than a cake, although I did buy a small Traidcraft iced Christmas cake at the Fairer World Fair last Saturday.  Our main cake is usually a home-made chocolate log - very pre-Christian, but very tasty!

    Dentist filling was bearable - next week could turn out more serious, but he thinks (and hopes) it's another little one.  Still quite numb, so hoping to manage my dinner!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • WE have been to a bowl's club friend's funeral, who died a month ago. It seems the family had trouble being able to agree a date when they could all travel and attend.

    There was no chance of seeing the super moon here last night. Far too cloudy.

    Dibnlib, Not only do I feel so sorry for your cousin, but also for her OH. I do hope he will have help when she eventually does return home.

    Your mother's care must be a great worry for you.

    AQ, Thank you for your latest travelogue. I will definitely look at all the places you visited. Good to see your knee is coping so well with your day trips.

    Annette, Hope you enjoyed your day with your friend.

    Linda, I hate that feeling, when you can't remember if you did something important before you left.

    The Christmas slices would suit me, as I really don't like marzipan.  

    OG, Loved your daddy reindeer photograph.

    Keith, So pleased that the hoists are in place and working so well.

    Heather, I hope your OH managed to have his ear drained. Hugs to you both.  

    Son and his wife are driving over here tomorrow. DiL insists that she will be able to cope with the journey.

    Spoke to Margo yesterday. The Drs had asked for the family to visit earlier than arranged. I haven't heard any news today.

  • Shame we couldn't see the supermoon last night.  It was pretty impressive on Sunday evening ... but heavy cloud last night and looks like again tonight.  Perhaps this has something to do with the amazingly mild weather.  Here we are, mid-November - this morning I played golf wearing a short sleeved shirt and no jacket/pullover.  We are still using trolleys without 'hedgehog' wheels, and those less able are still allowed to use buggies.  Will we suffer later?  Probably!

    Healing thoughts going to all those with health problems.

  • Hello all and so sorry for no personal replies. Be assured that I am reading all your posts and I send thanks for them. Thinking of MARGO.

    Without boring you all (I hope) today has been very busy. OH had fluid drained from his inner ear, no miraculous improvement but he is referred to physio re balance problems. Consultant asked us to think about a cochlear implant. Would have to be assessed and op performed in Crosshouse Hospital, Kilmarnock.

    Then I phoned GP re continuing UTI. Too busy too see him but agreed with me that he should be seen. Advised to phone NHS 24. Did so,went to A and E and OH is now on an even stronger AB. So a busy day. He is now in bed, absolutely shattered!

    Sorry for depressing post but thought that you would want to know...

  • HEATHER  Thanks for letting us know, despite the news not being as good as everyone had hoped.

    BRENDA   Yes, we really feel for my cousins husband. They have been married for over 30 years and for most of that she has had health problems.  Recently he has had a few days in London and last week he went to a Van Morrison concert in Glasgow so at least he isn't sitting at home and moping. He really needs time out himself.

  • Thanks Heather. Obviously, you have a lot to think about, re cochlear implant. Not surprised your OH is in bed, I should think that you will be ready for bed shortly yourself. Best Wishes to you Both. X

  • Ditto what has been said by Brenda, Heather. Sorry it's not brilliant news but at least it's progress of a sort