WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY NOVEMBER 13, 2016

Look back at last week for Lindybird's lovely Remembrance Day poem and related posts.

Veteran's Day was yesterday here, but there were some events today judging by the various planes that flew in formations along the beach.   

Best thoughts to all this week..

  • Well heck. Nothing responded when I hit Reply the first time; now we've got three!  Forgot how to delete posts....

  • Thinking of Margo & her sad news. Thank you Brenda for the update.


    Annette – Sorry, I didn't let you know that I posted my Ngapala pics a few days ago.


    Thurs was possibly our last major escape as the weather next week is expected to be in mid 30s. On Fri we had 32 C with thunder, huge hail & wind in late afternoon. More rain last night. My car is somewhat cleaner after that. Earlier in week across-the-road neighbours had their roof steam cleaned. Thank you very much – all that grot landed on my car left in the drive. Today is a much cooler 17C.


    Our latest Escape for those who wish to travel with me: Chauffeur Friend & I met near Verdun in Adelaide Hills where I leave my car. We had a long list & wanted an early start so I left at 8 am, alas it took me an hour. Had I left after 9, it would have been 40 mins. Down the Freeway we went to Murray Bridge, collected salad rolls for lunch and on to Mypolonga – 2 churches (-35.0402, 139.3549).


    Northwards to Mannum to cross River Murray via ferry. East to Bowhill (-34.8895, 139.6229). Lunch under shady tree. South east to Perponda (-34.9807, 139.8165). You won’t see the church here as it is up the track labelled Pulleine St. Closed 1968, it in a sad state. Hall on main road in better condition!


    Next to Copeville. Spurling Memorial Hall in memory of WWI soldier DOW England. The end wall has collapsed, so much for “we shall not forget”. (-34.8035, 139.846 you can just see 2010 StreetView of hall from nearby intersection).


    In Copeville (-34.7953, 139.849) grain silos don’t operate every grain season, 1962 hall (now private house), former church. The church amused us as there was a small boat parked in front – Mr Noah lives here?


    As it was now early pm, after a debate we decided to visit Galga (-34.6956, 139.962). Sorry no StreetView, you will have to wait for my pics. Few houses, grain silos not used regularly, former church for sale. We backtracked, collected Claypans church & hall (-34.8235, 139.6937). Again no StreetView. Homeward, passing former Forster hall (-34.7546, 139.5744) seen on previous trip, we crossed river via ferry at Walker Flat (-34.756, 139.563). Then west to Mt Pleasant, Birdwood, Woodside, Balhannah to Verdun. Then it only took me ¾ hour to drive home in time to get tea.

  • Good morning - lovely sunrise but now dull.  Not going to church, being Remembrance Sunday.  Will be going to a nearby village Craft Fair after lunch - hoping to find gifts for the newborn.  Had a good trip to Dumfries yesterday; started with Costa coffee, and came across J sitting there with coffee and crumpets!  Got what we needed at Dunelm, then went to annual Fairer World Fair, where we renewed various acquaintances, bought some Fairtrade foods and had a soup lunch.  Called at garden centre on the way home just to have a look, and discovered their Reindeer have arrived - mother, father, juvenile and one unrelated.  Spent a long time watching them.  Baked blueberry muffins when we came home, and then relaxed into the evening.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Good Morning, All.  Cold here today.

    Thank You to Annette for starting us off again, and thinking of dear Diane who is having difficult times at the moment. {{HUGS}} If you're reading, Diane.

    The Remembrance commemorations seem to get more emotional each year, maybe as I get older these things gain importance in my mind.

    AQ - Pleased you and Friend 'escaped' into the hills before it all becomes too hot. Did your OH cope with the power cut?

    We have had neighbours here in Wales who came all the way from Yorkshire - retired like us, and so able to enjoy frequent visits. However, we were surprised to find that they have upped sticks and left, leaving their caravan next to ours to be sold. It's sad because the lady had Alzheimer's and so perhaps they felt the time had come to stop their holiday breaks.

    Still dry here, so hoping to get out today for some air. Enjoyed a lovely walk by the estuary yesterday.

  • See that I crossed posts with you above, OG.  Sounds like a nice outing. We sometimes have reindeer on show at this time of year at near garden centre. They're odd looking creatures up close. Blueberry muffins! Yum! - I'll have two.....

  • ANNETTE   Sorry I replied about Mums carers on last weeks.

  • Wow. Huge earthquake in NZ - and lots of good-sized aftershocks too.