Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 6 November 2016


Everyone have a great week!

  • Hope so, BRENDA.

    Going to type out a timeline for Consultant giving details of OH's loss of hearing and balance, since communication with OH is impossible except with the app on my phone - speech to text.

    He cannot walk unaided, using a stick or two sticks but still liable to fall unless I am there. So, hoping that something can be done.

    Sorry for depressing post, let us just be cheerful LOL!!!!

  • Quick update.  The cold virus/infection is still rattling around between the three of us – getting less on each circuit, but still all quite tired.  J’s bed arrived Saturday, so that was a long day getting it assembled, but he is very comfortable on it – single bed with double duvet – after what amounted to almost four weeks altogether on a mattress on the floor.  It also means a final distribution of storage, as it has an ottoman base which holds a lot of stuff!  His room and associated rearranging (more space in the dining room) has led to a lot of flinging/recycling/charity-bag filling!


    OH almost caught up with cleaning last week, when J was back at work, and on Friday we all had a great time at Midge Ure’s tour gig at Langholm – a real musician and lots of memories.  His warm-up duo and then co-performers were two young and very gifted musicians, and the whole thing was very enjoyable, but also meaningful with some of his early protest-song numbers.


    Today we shopped at M&S Food Hall to claim a 10% discount and start collecting special items for Christmas.  We had coffee and cake at the Old Toll Bar on the way home.  We now have a quiet few days with no outings and appointments – just as well, really, as we could well get snow tomorrow for a brief while, unless it fails to come this close to the coast.


    I have been reading all your posts, but can’t make full individual replies.  I have been quite shocked to read Heather’s news about her OH’s deteriorating condition re his balance problem.  I do hope you will get some answers when you see the consultant – and some good advice re the practicalities and his safety.


    Well, it looks as if I have begun to come out of lurking mode, but no promises when I might post again: the general tiredness, which should have happened, from the medications, months ago, has really been very debilitating.  Best wishes to all – and special thoughts for Margo, Diane, Heather and Brenda.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Hello all.

    AQ - interesting to read about your church exploits and finding out about them , unfortunately many have ceased due to I assume dwindling congregations.  Must look them up on Google Earth sometime.  Glad you enjoyed your trip.

    Good luck to our friends over in the US as the election is tomorrow - wouldn't like to hazard a guess at who will be President.I do hope Trump doesn't get in as I doubt if he has an ounce of diplomacy in him which is needed when President. Who knows - you will find out within the next few days.

    Lindy - I know what you mean about getting into the bath, its bathing and kneeling, which I can't do anymore because of replacement knee - too uncomfortable to kneel on - so although I get into the bath, I stand and shower and then clamber out again.

    Lively crisp mornings the last couple of days - they say its going to get colder with possibly some snow but probably only on the higher ground . Well it is late autumn and we have had such decent weather so far its bound to change soon.

  • Lindy - that must have been heartbreaking for you. What a waste of money.  

    Do hope that those who are hoping to have aids fitted then they will be done sympathetically to the needs of the person and be of great help to those looking after them.  BJane - hope you are successful in sorting out your problem.

  • HeatherB - I bet your kitchen will look terrific when its finished - you'll have to post a pic of it!!  Envy you, would love a new one as one cupboard has fallen to bits and the cooker is not working as efficiently as it might. One can dream!

    Glad you've managed to get OH in at ENT.

    OG - do hope you will all be feeling a lot better soon. Glad J is sorted with his bed and that you have been getting out and about.

    In the throes of sorting the catering for our dau's 40th in 2wks time.  Ordering from Sainsbury's and M&S and a little help from Iceland too. Have family coming on the Sat afternoon and friends etc more in the evening. Birthday is actually a fortnight today but easier to have grown up party on the Sat.

    Off to the gym tomorrow and to look into inflated balloons for her b.day.

  • Evening all: Have read all your news but have been busy and off to see daughter in the morning, then home to chew nails while we wait for election results.  I'm daring to feel optimistic.

    Heather: So sorry your OH seems to have deteriorated so quickly. Good idea to make a timeline of his symptoms.  The paint looks like a nice warm neutral shade; it should be perfect.

    OG: Good to see you!

    Hope Tuesday is kind to all....

  • Good morning, all.  Keeping everything crossed for Hillary to deliver the biggest 'Up Yours' in world political history.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Good Morning, All.   A frosty cold start here, and just been looking out of my window at a mind boggling red and pink streaked sky, as the clouds are perfect to show off the rising sun over the fields.

    Tension in the USA is palpable as they all go to the polls in the most dramatic election in modern history. I do hope that if Hillary gets in, she will indeed pull everyone together as she has promised.

    As I write, it's been announced on our local News that a hen harrier has been shot this week in the Lake District. I would love to have a hold on the man who did this. He would get more than just verbal abuse.

    Well done on getting your OH an appointment, Heather. I hope some more information on his condition comes of it.

    Hang on in there, OG - you're going through a bad patch health wise but please rest a little whilst you have the chance.

    Thinking of Margo and her vigil with her dear sister.

  • Good Morning Everyone. A cold bright morning. Rain arrives here this evening.

    OH received an appointment yesterday, with the gastro consultant, after all his tests. The appointment is for MAY 1917. He happened to speak to the consultant, after his CT scan, who told OH that he would see him immediately after his CT scan results came through !! OH has made an appointment to see GP this morning to see what is going on. We can only presume that the results are good, but OH was told that his medication would have to be changed because he had polyps developing in his stomach because of his medication. His present medication is no longer controlling his problem.  He is not a happy man.

    Best wishes to Margo. She will be having her blood transfusion this morning.

  • Brenda - Thanks for news of Margo. I hope the transfusion has the usual effect of giving her an energy boost.

    Sorry that your OH has been told it's such a long wait to see the consultant. But I agree that it must surely mean there is no urgency required regarding his condition. Hope the Doc can perhaps throw some light on things.