Everyone have a great week!
Yes, it was good to wake up to the news about the Golden Eagles - no longer on the endangered list. We really need that sort of news right now :)
Will this post???.
This morning, I tried to put up more of my pictures, and the gamble failed :-(
Not got time to do it now, as I've been out on errands this morning, and this afternoon I've got to sort stuff as we are off to Wales again tomorrow, to spend a couple of days away and shut things down for the winter.
Yes, it will. I couldn't get on to this site all morning.
OG, Congratulations to the ' Great 'Family. Agree, like the name.
There seem to be problems with the Site again! Hopefully now resolved.
Hello, Lindy, we have been crossing posts! Have a good time in Wales. It should be lovely there right now, as long as it doesn't rain too much.
Hello all
Just back from hospital. Audiogram showed further decrease on OH's hearing. No hearing at all in R ear and very little in L. Consultant was very thorough and on examination found fluid in L middle ear. He is going to drain it under local anaesthetic next week, maybe Monday, his secretary will phone me with an appointment. No promises made but might help OH to hear a little and also might help with balance. I had to answer lots of questions - hope I got it right!!
Heather - Mixed news, then. I expect you're not surprised that there is no hearing at all in one ear. It's to be hoped that the draining of the fluid will give him a little hearing at least - fingers crossed.
I'm sure you were a huge help in acting as interpreter for all the questions!
Morning all:
Exasperated as temps now higher then they've been all summer; should be cooler(!) today but cleaned the BBQ and put it away last weekend but a bit too early it seems. Was awakened by cell phone at 2 a.m. - a Facetime invite from nephew in the UK! Phone stopped ringing before I could get to it and there's been no further communication so assume it was inadvertent. Can't imagine anyone needing to see me at that hour. :-)
Heather: Any idea why such a sudden decrease in OH's hearing? Seems like it came on so very quickly. Assume hearing aids are no, or at least minimal, help and that you're still using written notes.
Lindybird: My granddaughter got her Christmas decorations out last weekend - she loves Christmas while I sort of dread it.
Hi to Rosy, Brenda; hope AQ had a good day out. Thinking of Diane and the memorial service for her bro this weekend; also hope that Margo is doing better after her transfusion. Hi to OG too and anyone else out there.
Great news about the Golden Eagles in Scotland; nice to know something is going right somewhere. :-)
OG Wonderful news for you all.
LINDY Hope you enjoy Wales as always.
HEATHER Do hope something can be done to help you both.
My bro messaged me yesterday to say that Mum had been in hosp overnight due to sickness and dizzy episodes. She was staying in again overnight and seeing a physio today to determine whether she would be home tomorrow or Mon. He did say not to worry. I will call him tonight to find out the latest.
Went to Beauly today as the owner of the super deli there had promised to get hold of some moutarde di fruitti for me We came home with 4 jars as it is not easy to find. Hope we can make it last a while. We also had a nice lunch while we were there.
We thoroughly enjoyed "The Simon and Garfunkel Story" last night. Well worth the late night.