Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 6 November 2016


Everyone have a great week!

  • HEATHER   Never mind what they look like, just think how helpful they are. We could really do with one in the bathroom but haven't bothered as we use the en suite shower room in preference. I f we need a grab rail there, we shan't think twice.

    ANNETTE   Hope you enjoy Carmen.

  • Read an article in the papers about fire crews being attacked when attending fires. There were a number of these incidents last night, though none reported in this area.  Who are these idiots who seem to think it is ok to target fire fighters doing their duty.

  • I agree about the grab rails.  You can get really smart ones these days, made of stainless steel.  I'm going to have one put over the bath because I rarely take a bath these days as although I can get in,  I can't get out again!   

    Hope you enjoy Carmen, Annette.  My mother was obsessed with it, and had the music playing on the record player over and over again.  It actually gave me a bit of an aversion to it:  she loved the Carmen Jones version of it which I still prefer to the 'normal' version.

    Dibnlib:  I saw a report that firefighters in Manchester here, were attacked when attending a fire in an old car which had been set alight.  Also a girl of 14 had a firework thrown at her face and may lose an eye now...  Its really time that they stopped selling them to the public and just had Major Events showing them in an organised fashion.

    Brenda:  Hope your OH can get the eye treatment he needs.  A worry for you. Eyesight is so important.

    Been sorting out photos and writing emails to friends who possibly wonder if I'm still alive and kicking, its been so long since I wrote.....

    My OH is feeling alright, just slightly off par today so we're not expecting him to worsen, now.  He's eaten bland things and not too much of anything for a couple of days now.  He put some polyfilla on a wall where I'd managed to rip a coathook off -- ---  erm.... I was trying to climb up on a blanket box to reach into the high part of the fitted wardrobe, and I grabbed the hook to steady myself.  Good job I didn't fall off the box, LOL!!  Thankfully the hole left can be mended as the wallpaper is just that knobbly stuff which we have painted over.  Now he just has to reinstall a hook higher up than the damage.

  • LINDY   like you I can get into a bath, then instead of relaxing I start to worry about how to get out. Would never have one unless OH was in....just in case!!

    Wonder who is gong to be knocked out of "Strictly" today.

    Fireworks going on again tonight, but Benson not batting an eye, thank goodness.

  • Congrats to Andy. Just a shame that Raonic was injured, but as Andy said, being No 1 isn't about winning one match but the months of winning before.

  • I think you are all right about the grab rails, etc. I'm just at this point of thinking about adjustments to the house (think stair lifts!) If we need things, we will get them but neither of us is keen at the moment. Can't really say why.....

  • Heather- I had my bathroom redone this past spring. My daughter (who is physically disabled) was still living with me at the time and needed bars. I had them for my OH when he was so ill for the last 6 years of his life. They were the medical ones, not unattractive, but not aesthetically pleasing either. I asked the workers to put the bars back up when the new walls and shower were finished, They did not want to and asked if they could just install matching brushed nickel towel racks instead. I am so glad that I let them do that. They are very solid and match the rest of my bathroom and I find myself using them occasionally also.

  • My thoughts exactly, bjane! Thank you.

  • Heather- I also had a lift for my OH so when he fell I could get him up myself without having to call the paramedics. I donated it after he died and now wish I had kept it as I need to get one for my daughter now as she can no longer transfer from bed to her wheelchair without help.

  • I am learning so much, bjane, thank you. I keep hoping that OH will improve but realistically must think about things that will help us both.

    I'm not sure what kind of lift you are referring to, if you have time, I'd be interested.