Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 30 October 2016


The new moon (the dark moon) is tomorrow.

Everyone have a wonderful week. Hope all my friends here are enjoying the last of autumn (spring for AQ).

A very strange day here with record-breaking heat near 80F or 26.6 C. So very weird. We should be getting cold now and having our first snow.  

Thinking of Margo, Heather's OH, Brenda's daughter-in-law, and all who are facing adversity.

Haven't heard from George for awhile. Hope you're okay, George. Also, Rita. And Nairnred (Jenny). And Heron77. And ChrissyB. Also, hi to June, my fellow Midwesterner over on the Gabfest.

  • I think I have an upset stomach (doesn't take much, with me) - must be something I ate yesterday.

  • Thanks, Heather. Not eating much today!

  • LINDY, Hope your tum sorts itself out quickly.

    ROSY   one of the many advantages of having a dog. We can't imagine being without one.

    Dave got the bus to Raigmore Hosp at 0710. I am meeting a friend for coffee, then she will take me to pick him up at 1100. Got her a little something as a thank you.

  • Halloween. We have the usual complaints that it’s an American custom. Then follow the arguments that no, it’s Celtic. I had lollies ready (we are advised they should be wrapped & I always buy those). I printed out “T or T” welcome sign from police website. (There is Not Welcome sign too.) I told OH no sampling until after children had visited. And waited. First 2. A pause. Group of 7, including one wee child who asked for “one more”. A long pause. Suddenly a flood. By now about 20 visitors altogether. I’ve never seen so many! All safely accompanied by adults who wait on footpath. Finally I had 5 lollies left, so I took my sign down, but, Knock Knock. Phew, just 5 more little girls. Bowl is empty. Too bad, none left for OH.

  • Please let us know how your OH got on, DIBNLIB.

  • Poor OH, AQ!!

    Elgin grand children are disappointed that it is raining hard today, so they won't enjoy their expedition this evening as much as usual.

    I've arranged a phone chat with GP and plan to ask for a private referral to ENT for my OH. Not because he will get better treatment, necessarily, but because I (we) need to get an assessment ASAP so that we know which road we will be travelling on. He gets very anxious about his health. If nothing can be done, we will have to look at walking aids, etc. OH is horrified at the thought. At the moment I am his walking aid LOL

  • PS The last time we had a private referral, the consultant saw us in his off duty time, so we weren't queue jumping :-) Just in case I upset anyone...

  • HEATHER   Hope you get some help soon for your OH. Unfortunately OHs cardioversion procedure didn't do the trick. They tried 3 times and then called it a day.  He has been told he will get a phone call tomorrow to say what plan B is.

    To cheer me up we have booked to see "Evita" in Edinburgh on 5th Feb.

  • Morning all:  Don't know what I did yesterday, but it took up the whole day.  Will go to early yoga class as we expect some trick-or-treaters tonight. It's a school night, so the younger kiddies (my preferred clients!) will be here early.

    FB (Keith?): Good that you're getting some help with all the care giving; smart to share the load and to use your local support group (the pub round the corner) when you need a break. Brilliant that stepdaughters have continued to be so helpful and have taken on the work of cleaning out your brother's house. That drive makes for a very long day and it's not as if they're twiddling their thumbs once they get there. Sorry you're still trying to organize the executor account.  Don't worry about us; just know you're welcome here when you get the urge.

    Diane: I'm having conniption fits over Comey, and I was so mad at the Republicans a few weeks back (can't remember about what because there have been so many outrages in this election) that I called up the RNC in DC to register my frustration and disgust. (The man who answered was very nice.) Can't imagine that the pipeline under the Standing Rock's water supply would be a good idea - but hey, there's money to be made and what do Native Americans need clean drinking water for! What else can we deprive those people of for heaven's sake.  Assume you'll be heading back north for your bro's memorial service?  Hope the mowing and weed clean up will burn up some of that frustration. I should come help you!  Hugs to you.

    AQ: Let me assure you that regardless of its traditional roots, the money making aspect of Halloween is undoubtedly American in origin.

    Heather: Gosh, didn't realize your OH was having such a hard time. Any chance anti-anxiety meds might help (for him, I'm thinking wine for you). Seriously, do hope you get some quick action on the ENT appointment. What a worry.

    Pat O: Hope you can manage to post some of those pics. Is there a 12-year-old in the neighborhood you could borrow to do it? :-)

    Lindybird: Feel better!

    Hi to Rosy and dibnlib.

    Off to dig up something for lunch. Have been e-mailing, nattering on the phone all morning....