Daily Update (LG Nest) Monday 12th July

Hi folks, It was a fantastic day yesterday, despite the wind.  There was a fledginging of the eldest chick and confirmed by the LG team.

Lots of wing exercising by all three, I think 4 fish were delivered, and intruder alets at times. In all, a normal day .

All quiet on the nest, the usual fidgiting going on.

Happy viewing, see you in the morning.

  • Unknown said:

    Maybe he is trying to make some steps for his brother to get down from the  post LOL 

    Barbara Jean,  perhaps he is building steps to get up to the post LOL

    Terry in Cumbria

  • Lynette D said:

    #1 is now back on the nest after a perfect landing. Caught this next one on video of it coming in to land on the cam post a few minutes ago.Something has caught its eye below.


    Great catch!! 

    He landed like  he has been flying for months not just for 1 day . These birds are entertainment at it's finest.  Eldest just went for another fly-about and back on the  post . He is  clearly enjoying his new found skill 

    Formerly known as Barbara Jean

  • No 1 just flew off again, easy peasy

    Terry in Cumbria