Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 23 October 2016


I hope everyone is enjoying autumn, and you all have a wonderful week.

I'm sending strength to those facing illness or adversity.

Brown County State Park, Indiana
Photo labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Hello all -

    Loved the poem, Lindy.

    Hope that ROSY's party went well!

    Glad to see that J's room is just about finished OG, and now - a new kitchen to look forward to. Hope that you enjoy it as much as I am enjoying mine.

    Sam and his dad have just crossed the border and are now in Scotland. I'm so looking forward to seeing my son and grandson. Our Danish friends left at 7 am today. I can't put into words how much I appreciated their company and kitchen help when I was busy looking after my OH. He (OH) is much better but the infection has taken a lot out of him. I think it will be at least another week before he will get his strength back.

    I haven't forgotten MARGO and her sister, and hope that BRENDA's OH gets good results from his investigations.

    Regards to all that I haven't mentioned by name -

  • Who said new kitchen?  Not me, Heather!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Sorry, OG, I thought you said that was happening. Memory obviously failing!

  • Quiet on here today. Spent all day yesterday in garden; back to house projects/paperwork today.

    Lindybird: That's a lovely verse. It evokes gorgeous images. I too am amazed at the colors the ocean can reflect. Really like the line, "Nature has surpassed her own expectations." She does that regularly to our advantage!  :-)

    Heather: Have fun with family.

    Very best thoughts to Margo. Hope Diane's froggy squatter has given up the fight.

  • Hello Everyone. A very cloudy and dry day here. Drizzle overnight. 

    D-i-L is now on her quiet recovery. OH hasn't received an appointment for all his results yet.

    Thanks to Diane for starting the week for us. I do hope you are now able to look after yourself properly after such a traumatic time for you. I also hope that when you are ready, you receive your next project.

    Heather, I know you will enjoy Sam's visit with your son.

    OG, Sorry you are still suffering, but pleased to see that the decorating of 'J's ' room has now been completed. Take care.

    Linda, A lovely picturesque poem. I see you are returning home tomorrow, though.

    Annette, Hope you completed all your paperwork / projects.
    It can be so easy to upset the very young. Good that you were able to get the favoured coloured car seat.

    AQ, You are a wonderful grandmother, even though you are still recovering from your op. Do take care of yourself.

    Time for our evening meal now.

  • A very silly day for me today.  Left Newcastle this morning in the torrential rain mentioned above.  Spent almost ten hours battling traffic and idiots on the A1, M62, M6, M40, M25 ... and 402 miles later got home to West Sussex in the pitch dark.  Don't want too many days like that - too far, too long - too everything!  I'm very glad to be safely home.  

    Loved the poem, Lindy.  Some wonderful mind pictures there.

    My thoughts are with all those who are struggling in any way.

  • Hello. Glad everyone enjoyed sharing my bit of poetry.

    Pat O - What a horrific journey - you must be exhausted now.

    OG - Do hope that you're improving, you've been busy at a time when you should have been resting and recovering.

    Brenda - Good to hear from you, and that your daughter in law is doing well. Hope you soon get that appointment for your OHs results.

  • We've had a pleasant day - no rain, and hardly any wind at all! So able to enjoy a seafront walk this morning, then a visit to my favourite garden centre here, for a warming drink and a poke around their Ch++**as goodies - bought some children's books and a couple of very pretty starry table runners to give to our sons & wives. Also some bird suet feed. We have a good population of sparrows and bluetits at home, and I think it's because we and several of our neighbours are regular in feeding all the birds throughout the winter.

  • Pat O. A ten hour drive for 400 miles is horrendous. Hope you are resting with your feet up now.

  • Off to bed, now, after doing half the packing for the morning. See that I didn't mention Heather, who has had plenty on her plate but thankfully, had some help from her visitors. Hope you have a lovely time with your son and grandson, Heather, and that your OH continues to improve.

    Hope too, that AQ doesn't tire herself out with nanny duty......
