Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 16 October 2016


Hi, All.

It's been a long time since I've been able to start a new thread. I'm back at my home now. It should have been about a 45-mile trip home, but I got wildly lost on the prairie country roads near Lafayette. I thought I'd never make it home!!! I had to find my way back to the city and navigate the big interstate highways to finally get myself turned in the right direction. LOL

So far I haven't seen any squirrels, frogs, mice, or other critters in my house.

I will catch up with you all in the next couple of days. I know I owe folks emails, too.

Everyone have a great week!

Buck Deer in the Light of the Full Moon
Photo labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Hello all

    OH making good progress.

    Thanks for all posts and info (DIANE)

    Hope that OG is feeling better, that BRENDA's OH gets good results from his investigations and that AQ takes it easy on next week's nanny duty.

    Sorry about your tree, ANNETTE :-(

    Everyone - take care, I'll be back - don't know whether that is a threat or a promise. Danish friends leave on Monday morning, son and Sam arrive in the afternoon. So looking forward to seeing Sam :-)

  • HEATHER   glad to hear that things are looking up.

  • Morning all:

    AQ: Ms. D is also now in the market for a big-girl bed; she's very tall.  I went shopping with her and granddaughter for a new car seat at Target during my visit. The most suitable one came in multiple colors, but the store had only black with red trim (as opposed to blue, Ms. D's stated favorite, which was also not available at Target.com).  She'd just about accepted the red one when granddaughter commented that this one (it converts to a booster seat) would last her until she was able to use regular seat belts. Me, being completely out of practice, said brightly, "It's your last car seat!" at which point Ms. D burst into great wet tears. "But I want another one," she wailed - and wailed.  I retreated and metaphorically banged my head against a non-existent wall (where did I go wrong!?) while granddaughter soothed unhappy Ms. D who decided she didn't want a new seat that day and, anyway, she wanted a blue one!  Anyway, later on, while Ms. D was artfully distracted with a video, granddaughter and I snuck off with my laptop and found a blue one online at Kohl's and ordered that, now safely arrived. Honestly, I completely forgot how quickly things can go pear-shaped with little people.

    Lindybird: Grass? What's that? Santa Barbara City Council is debating an outright ban on watering lawns - it's been restricted/voluntary up until now, but there's another dry-ish winter forecast. We have lots of brown patches in our neighborhood, but I always do a double-take on my walks past one house, which has a very, very green lawn and an election sign bearing the name of a woman who's running for a place on the local water board.  I wonder if she knows her supporter is clearly not abiding by the board's recommendations.   Congrats on the white egg cups. I know what you mean: I finally found some nice white cereal bowls at Marshall's (discount store) that were the perfect size/shape and didn't weigh a ton.

    Heather: Did you get your gate installed at the top of the staircase?  Yes, rather bummed about the tree I must say.  I wonder if it's basically just a weak variation of the full-sized version.

    Off to Costco when they open and also to stop by to see a Target bedstand (lightweight, simple lines, can get vacuum cleaner between the legs) for the spare bedroom that someone is offering for sale at a thoroughly acceptable price.  We seem to have a glut of low end tables that end up doing double duty in all the wrong places.  Then off this afternoon for orientation on another possible volunteer gig with local nonprofit TV station....  

  • Oh dear Annette!, Yes things can very quickly go pear-shaped with little people, especially when the wrong colour is concerned. However, I see you managed to save the day. Well done.

    Dibnlib and Lindy, It is beginning to feel Autumnal 'down south' now as well.

    Heather, Glad your OH is making good progress.

    AQ, your granddaughters obviously think you are great fun!

    We are busy getting ready for a party we are giving. There are a group of friends and neighbours who give a big party once a year, if they are able to.  It is our turn tomorrow. Trying not to panic!

  • Good Luck with the party, Rosy. If they're all your friends, they will be relaxed and everyone will enjoy themselves :-)

    Annette - whoops, it's so easy to say the wrong thing. Happy Ending, though!

    AQ - Little ones can be so tiring and it's a shock to realise just how much it takes out of you. Hope they enjoy their new beds!