Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 16 October 2016


Hi, All.

It's been a long time since I've been able to start a new thread. I'm back at my home now. It should have been about a 45-mile trip home, but I got wildly lost on the prairie country roads near Lafayette. I thought I'd never make it home!!! I had to find my way back to the city and navigate the big interstate highways to finally get myself turned in the right direction. LOL

So far I haven't seen any squirrels, frogs, mice, or other critters in my house.

I will catch up with you all in the next couple of days. I know I owe folks emails, too.

Everyone have a great week!

Buck Deer in the Light of the Full Moon
Photo labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Margo:

    I am so very, very sorry about the sad news of your sister. I wish I could find something to say that would ease your sadness. You are in my thoughts. Hugs to you and healing energy to her.

  • Brenda: You are in my thoughts. I hope your daughter-in-law isn't suffering pain and that she will make a strong and rapid recovery. My very, very best wishes to her and to you.

  • Evening all: Last evening with granddaughter and Ms. D. I'll head home tomorrow after lunch and spend the night in my usual halfway point, then home by lunch Monday.

    Diane: So nice to see you on the thread again. Welcome back. I do hope there's some relief in being back under your own roof.

    Margo: You and your family are in my thoughts. Take care of yourself

    Brenda: Your DiL has youth on her side in terms of getting over the surgery. How's your son doing?

    Lindybird: Bravo for hanging in there with Bonnie. Phew!  We're all relieved. :-)

    Ms. D is off to bed so time to read stories...

    Hugs to all.

  • Margo – What horrible news for your sister. My thoughts and prayers are with you both.


    Brenda – Great that you DiL is up and about so soon.


    Annette – Don’t forget to take home your Brownie Points!


    No weeding today. It is raining steadily. Ah, spring.


    Chauffeur Friend & I are planning an escape next Thurs, back roads, more lonely ex-chapels. Tothill Creek, Waterloo, Black Springs. No bakeries, hardly any towns. We’ll have to arrange that we are in Kapunda for lunch.

  • Good Morning, All.

    Where to start?  Well, first, it's a great relief to see that DIANE is now home safe, even though she found the fates conspired to get her lost on the journey. So good to see your post, Diane, and to hear that the critters hadn't taken over in your absence! You must have been glad to put your head on your own pillow once again. Please don't worry if you owe emails or messages, everyone understands.

    ANNETTE - You've done a great job and had fun, too. Hope your OH has coped in your absence. Safe journey back.

    AQ - Great that you and your friend can manage a trip, it sounds good. Hope you can get some lunch!

  • Oh, and Thanks to Diane for starting us off again, and with such a beautiful picture. I hope you can catch up on some rest now, Diane.

    There was a terrific huge and bright moon here last night, I stared at it for ages: you could see the strange marks upon it and it made me muse on what the ancients must have made of it all. No wonder there were cults which worshipped either the sun or the moon, or both.

    Just now, there is a beautiful sky outside our window, as the sun comes up its streaking the clouds with pretty pink, purple and blue. Hard to capture in a photograph, sadly.

  • Good morning all

    Thanks, DIANE for starting us off. I'm happy to read that you are home again, after what must have been a dodgy journey! And so far, no unwelcome visitors.

    BRENDA- thank you for taking time to update us on your daughter in law. As ROSY said, such major surgery. The physios don't' hang about!

    ANNETTE- safe journey home!

    LINDY- I was up during the night, it was so bright that I thought the security lights outside had come on.

    One good deed must deserve another! Youngest daughter who stayed here last night, has offered to vacuum all the house for me today, plus do the bathrooms etc.  They didn't return home until 1.30 am - the restaurant table was booked for 8pm. It was like being the mother of teenagers, again. ( She is 36) Where on earth were they, etc! Turns out they met friends and went on to have a few drinks with them.

  • Good Morning Everyone. We are having a quiet day at home today. I can see plenty of HW that needs doing, but it will have to wait. I really do appreciate all your messages, re D-i-L.

    Diane, Thank you for starting the week. Pleased to read that you had no four legged friends to greet you in your house on your return.

    I envy your sunrise this morning, Linda. We had heavy rain last evening and then more this morning. Supposed to clear up later.

    Annette, Our son appears to be coping, but the strain is showing in his dark eyes and face. Trying to make sure he is eating, but he obviously will need to have some proper sleep.
    Have a good journey home.

    Heather, Do we ever stop being Mums, even when they are 36. I would have reacted the same as yourself, especially as they had only gone out for a meal. LOL

    I can see a little blue sky appearing and the rain has stopped. 

  • Hi!  Haven’t gone to church as a very sore throat developed last evening and has become worsening sore throat, sore runny eyes, streaming nose, headache and the rest!  Sitting here sipping a concoction of apple juice, lemon juice, ginger and honey (would have whisky in it too, but no longer allowed).

    Not sure how far to go back in last week’s news, so will have a very quick skim though.

    Annette – pleased you had a good time with MissD, but I guess it was tiring too!  I am having an online altercation with my Granddaughters about younger one’s new facebook profile picture – not excusing Mr T and others, but it’s no wonder men and boys get confused about girls’ intentions.  She looks like what hangs about on a corner in our High Street every Friday night!  Wishing you a good journey home, including a comfortable night in the usual motel.

    Linda – pleased you are also seeing amazing Geese arrivals.  Pleased you had some good sight-seeing opportunities on your cruise, and I hope not too many exploited refugees floating about the Eastern Med in little boats.  Glad to see Bonnie is doing so well.  Hunter’s Moon this time, Harvest Moon was last month!  Our day started with colourful sunrise, but has changed to a very cloudy appearance now – haven’t noticed any rain yet.

    Heather – have a wonderful time with your guests – a shame they weren’t here for our October summer!  So good of your Daughter to do the cleaning for you today, but you do deserve it!  Ours were always very good about letting us know when they would be home in the evening, and J still phones if ever he will be later than expected, daytime or evening

    AQ – sorry the spring weather has already become so hot and dry – take care.  What?  And now rain?  Sounds more like UK weather!  Have a great trip – and lunch – on Thursday!

    Margo – sorry to see worsening news of your Sister; she and her family will appreciate seeing you more often, and I guess you have the strength for that after last week’s transfusion.  Prayers for you all.

    Brenda – so good to read that your D-i-L is doing well – thoughts and prayers continue as you all await the biopsy report.  You deserve a quiet day at home!  How is your OH – I seem to remember you mentioned a scan or similar a couple of weeks ago?

    Diane – thanks so much for starting the new thread, and for that wonderful picture – am I right that the Hunter’s Moon is also referred to as the Moon of the Wolf?  Maybe the Wolf is the Hunter, bringing down the Bucks?

    OH home from church – clearly wants to talk, so will tell you about our last few days later!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • The skies cleared after some showery rain this morning, so we took the opportunity and have been out for an enjoyable ramble in the woods. The sun came out properly whilst we were out, and Bonnie had such a wonderful time, chasing imaginary monsters and playing with real life other dogs! She also got into ditches and so came out mud coloured pretty much all over - my OH is washing her now!!

    Rain forecast for this afternoon so I will do some needed reading of newspapers and some of the left over ironing.

    Brenda:  I have been thinking about your son all along, it must have been such a shock for him to have all this to deal with, and when you are the partner of an ill person, you have to be strong for them.  He will find it a strain and will be wondering what is going to happen next, when things all seemed fine such a short time ago. I agree that the main thing is to make sure that he is eating properly and not neglecting himself.

    OG:  Sorry that you're now suffering from what sounds like a "proper" cold which may take some time to run its course.  And no alcohol to help! Ugh! Do hope that as your general health has been good lately, you will make a quick recovery.

    I agree with All, that your children are always your children:  I still question ours and they are 38 and 41!   My dear M.in Law used to worry about us all even when we were well into our 50s......