WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY OCTOBER 8, 2016

Here's to a new week. Sending the very best thoughts to all.  

Daughter and dog now en route home. Phew. Cat has stopped skulking about and peering suspiciously around every corner.

In case you missed it, Lindybird is back from her cruise.

Rosy: Daughter made it easy this time - she corralled a friend and her son to do most of the feeding but there was just one day when neither could do it. Grandson put everything in labeled tubs so all I had to do was toss it over the fence! Why are cats so inflexible? :-)

  • Awaiting granddaughter and Ms D to arrive (I'm in the local library) - they had to go to Phoenix today to check Ms. D's arm (it'll be fine), then we're going out to eat.

    Will catch up later.

  • Good Morning. Dry here, after some slight showers yesterday.

    Hope you have a fun day with Miss D, Annette.

    Still dealing with various clothes which we took away, but which now need ironing and putting away, as of course it's another season now. I did take all the right clothes, in the end (and the right shoes, LOL!). There were some extremely smart people on the ship, presumably staying in the large suites, and an awful lot of Chinese tourists both on board, and on land. The captain made a welcome speech, where he said that on board we had 56 different nationalities amongst the crew, and as for passengers -----  163 different countries!!

  • Morning all:  Gosh. Very quiet on here today.

    Granddaughter off to work; Ms. D still asleep. Sun looming over the hills. This is a lovely time of year in Prescott Valley - cool crisp nights and warm days in the mid-70s.  Ms. D has a lunch with her pre-school teacher and friends (and parents and one great-grandparent!) today, so that'll take us uptown later.  We will pick up granddaughter en route.

    Lindybird: I suspect you're all planning major house renovations, trips, etc for Cousin's next visit. If that fails, maybe get some friendly aliens to abduct you all.  My goodness, with that many nationalities represented on board, you could have formed your own UN - and set the world to rights.

    Heather: The motel/hotel was nice, but I'll opt for the older one I usually stay at on the way home. It's not as modern or spacious but it's single storey and you can have the door open to look out on the shady pool/garden area and hear all the grackles (very noisy black birds). Adequate and less expensive.  Lindy's suggestion for a long weekend somewhere sounds good. Are the Danes staying with you on this trip?  Good news about SiL. I bet she's relieved.  Hope your OH stays more positive about his hearing - maybe some flash cards for quick communication? As in: I'm taking a shower/going into the garden/running away with the cute guy next door" type of thing?  :-)

    OG:  You sound busy, but all seems to be going well.  Any more days away planned?  I'll have a gentle few days with Ms. D going over some "homework" from school, doing puzzles, reading. Nothing rambunctious as she has a new cast on her arm and has to go back to the orthopedic doc in three weeks. Tribute acts are all the rage now (why not recycle a good thing I guess..).

    Rosy: Oh dear, another Awful Cousin?  And from the U.S. - maybe she knows Lindybird's AC.  Now I'm wondering if I've become the "awful cousin" having lived here for so long!  (Nah, couldn't be.)  :-)

    Lynette: Welcome back. Photos are gorgeous. Looks like the weather in Yorkshire was kind.  Thanks for sharing those and the prayers for those with larger-than-usual worries.

    Hope Margo is doing okay and her sister doing better.  Thinking of Brenda too - and assume that Diane will be home in the next day or so and trying to get back to normal. Hugs to all.

    Off to get another cup of coffee and wait for Ms. D to wake up or maybe I'll hose down in the meantime. Was reading that Donald Trump is claiming relief at being "unshackled" now that his party is deserting him. As one incredulous commentator put it: "You mean he was shackled before?"

  • Hi to all

    Well, I hung around waiting for the painter/decorator and in the end just popped out to shops, having left a note regarding choice of paper. Wasn't long back when he phoned with loads of apologies, saying that there were complications with the job he should have finished before he started ours. Upshot is that I now have to wait at least a week. it is the very first time that this has happened, he has done several jobs for us in the past, so I will forgive him. But yes, ROSY, these jobs always take longer than you think and it is partly my fault for changing my mind about a couple of things.

    More importantly, OH and I were at the hospital Audiology clinic this afternoon.  ( We would have left the painter in the house while we were away, no problems there).

    As we expected, the audiogram showed a definite deterioration in hearing. Complete loss of some frequencies and sounds. He has been fitted with very powerful digital NHS aids which are helping a little. As the audiologist explained, the aids can only amplify sound that is being received and in OH's case, that is not very much! He is referring us once again to the Hearing Support team, thinks a loop system at home would help OH with TV. They will also look at the stuff we've already got, like the special doorbell etc and see if we require an upgrade of anything. OH will also be referred to the ENT department at the hospital.

    I'm not sure where that leaves us with regard to his two sets of privately purchased hearing aids. They are much more discreet in appearance but if they can't jazz them up, OH is reluctant to spend any more £**** on new ones.

    I'll be back later with replies, just noticed the time - need to do some kitchen work!

    regards to all -

  • Hello -  Been out to lunch at Friends house, where we had yummy home made veg. soup and a bit of ham, with a chunk of bread.  Beforehand, I showed her my endless photos of our trip, as they are booked to do a very similar route on a cruise next May, so she was interested as they wanted info on the various stops we made.

    It rained as I travelled home from their village, and I hoped that my OH would have got my laundry off the line, which indeed he had. Just ironing it, now. Bonnie was cheerfully chewing on a biro which had been knocked on the floor, so she has not lost her appetite for them!

    Glad you're on the home strait with the kitchen, Heather. Sorry it's not better news from the Audiology clinic. My OH would be the same about spending, but I would have to point out that your eyesight and hearing are more important than anything else, and that he would happily spend money on the car to get it right!!

  • Unknown said:
    Was reading that Donald Trump is claiming relief at being "unshackled" now that his party is deserting him. As one incredulous commentator put it: "You mean he was shackled before?"

    I didn't think it was humanly possible but he's managed to prove he is so much more than a mere fart by nature.  In fact, it's impossible to put into words what he is.  Anyone who votes for him needs sectioning.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • HEATHER - did you mean this?

    January Brings The Snow | Nursery Rhymes & Kids' Songs ...


    Read the lyrics to the children's song January Brings The Snow on BusSongs.com. The site contains over 2000 nursery rhymes and kids' songs.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Popped in at home for a simple tea after lovely omelettes at lunchtime.  Performance was excellent.  Leaving for bird club in half an hour.  Hope to make more replies tomorrow when I shall be home part of the morning!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Yes, well, OG - January brings the snow, yes. But my memory of it is like the Flanders and Swann version! When I was a student nurse in the sixties, in the days when the nursing and medical staff put on a Christmas Concert, I was the one chosen to say the final line, 'b****y January again'. I will leave you to ponder as to why I was picked to do this!!

  • LOL Heather!!  I remember the line....but I've temporarily forgotten the rest!

    Enjoy Bird Club, OG.  

    Watching Bake Off.  Good job we've eaten already or it would make me hungry!

    Our D.in.Law (Eldests wife) has been to Washington, USA, on business whilst we were away, and was offered a job there sometime in the future - I'm not surprised as she is very able. She works for an H.R. company (Human Relations, as they call staff management these days).  Of course, they will go if they think it could be to her advantage, as our Eldest works in I.T. so can work anywhere really.