WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2016

A new week - hope it is kind to all...

  • Just a short one to say my thoughts are with Diane Margo and Brenda during this time. They have been like family to me as I seem to have known them as friends for quite a long time now.

    george g

  • OG - you sound so happy to be able to do things in the garden. I know how much this means to you as the daughter of a keen and clever gardener.

  • George:  Couldn't have said that better myself!

    OG: I'm sure I was born to be outside. I like windows open even when pouring with rain (California-style rain that is).

    All stable here - but who knows what tomorrow will bring. This morning I managed to drop my iPhone right beside a Giant Messy & Stinky Pile of Dog Poo that I was bending over to clean up while out walking King.  Yuk and more yuk  :-(   

  • I would also like to say that George has summed it up how a lot of us feel. Having been reading this forum for many years and occasionally commenting, I really do feel that we feel each others pain and get comfort from everyone in turn in our moments of need. Prayers and healing thoughts being said for everyone going though really tough times.

  • George, As you say we have been friends for so long, through many "ups and downs". Your message means so much to me and I am sure to Diane and Margo. Thank you so much.
    I have spoken to Margo today. Her sister is still not eating, even the very smallest amount of drink / food makes her sick. Her sister's 12 year old dog  was put to sleep yesterday. All very quick and unexpected.
    Margo is due to see her consultant again next Tuesday and will learn how much blood she will need. It comes around very quickly for her.

  • george thank you for your kind words. Many lasting friendships have been made on this forum and so much support through troubled times.

  • Good words again, George,

    AQ,  Glad you are connected up again. Your weather sounds rather grim. We don't get to hear much about  such events in Oz. We are hearing a lot about Hurricane Matthew in the Caribbean.

  • Annette, be careful with that iPhone tomorrow. Next time could be even worse, with a direct hit!

    OG, I think I was also meant to live outside. My favourite place is in the Tropical House in Kew gardens, I love palm trees. Well technically that is inside, but it is a big greenhouse.

  • Brenda – My thoughts and prayers are with you & family. It will be a long week to wait.


    Likewise I am thinking of Margo & her sister and Diane.


    OG – You sound so busy but enjoying your volunteer church work.


    Rosy – It is so good to be back on the ‘net! Weather today has finally calmed, blue sky, sunny. Yikes, tomorrow we are expecting 28 C!!!


    Annette –I think you had a StreetView wander around Blyth. It was badly hit by last Wed’s storm, houses losing roofs and their 1971 cream brick church severely damaged. I guess the beautiful crops we saw almost ready for harvest have been flattened.


    Today I posted pics of a cat, erm Miss5. As you can see from all the cakes her theme was cats. (Click on pic to enlarge.) I managed to capture MissL & MissJ between mouthfuls of potato chips! I had been booked to join Dau & little people for a 1-hour walk along River Torrens Linear Park next Monday. It has been cancelled as too much debris along path after floods. I have volunteered for some other activity during school holidays.

  • Evening all:

    AQ:  Uh oh. Miss 5 is gorgeous!  I love her little cat ears. And those cakes!  Who made those?  Is that chicken in the foreground - and what about those little roll-type thingies with the sauce in the bowl?  A shame about Blyth. It's so small that Google Street View barely grazes it. There's a cream building (the only one visible) with a wrap-around veranda and a red roof, but no indication it's a church.

    Brenda: Thanks for clarifying family whereabouts. Thanks also for the update on Margo and her sister; very sad about the dog. :-(

    Harelady: What a nice post!

    Rosy: You said it!    I took daughter's dog King to the park before dinner (a lot of doggie types - two- and four-legged - gather there each evening to chat and let the dogs run and play) and he puttered over to a kiddies football game and promptly deposited a Giant Stinky Poo in the middle of their game. Oh dear.  :-(

    Have a good Wednesday everyone.