WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2016

A new week - hope it is kind to all...

  • Thank you, OG and Heather. To be honest, I wish this week was over and we knew that the tumour had been removed successfully and we knew the results. Dil is so scared and son actually cried when talking to me on the phone. They both appear so strong on the surface when talking to other people.

    The dogs are getting on fine. Penny settled in, as though she had never been away. They both went to doggy day care today. It will be interesting to hear how Penny coped. Not sure if she has adjusted to the seven hour time difference yet.  

  • So very sorry to read Diane's sad news. Thanks OG.for letting us know.

    Thinking of you, Diane and sending love.

  • Brenda,  Best wishes to you and hoping for a good outcome for your Dil.

    Your daughter is going to be very busy, but she seems be be very capable.

    On a lighter note, two dogs in different time zones! It could be interesting!

  • Diane – My deepest sympathy and prayers are for you and your family.

    After 5 days with no internet, OH finally phoned his complaint. I have a lot of catching up. Back later.

  • Linda – Love your poem about peas! [Later] Darn it, I missed you, you’re away floating on blue seas.


    Lynette – Knee is feeling fine. What I need now is to build up some general fitness.


    Margo – I have been wondering how you and your sister were. {{{HUGS}}}


    Heather - Do you need a pilot's licence to drive your new stove? Why can't they make things simpler as in the olden days.


    The storm is not over, more bad weather later today. We have had several days of high winds, rain, so much rain that the ground is waterlogged, rivers across the state bursting banks & levees, houses flooded, market gardens under water, roads closed, trees fallen on roofs, caravan parks evacuated. With the power outage & no refrigeration, shops had to throw out food. Port Lincoln, a major town had no power for 2 days. Even today, day 6, Melrose in the north is complaining they are not connected yet. Hardware stores sold out of torches, batteries, candles when the power went.


    Yesterday Miss5 enjoyed her cat party. She was wearing cat ears, tail, whiskers, had a cat-shaped birthday cake and mini cakes with cat faces on them. Twins enjoyed the potato chips! Miss5 showed as much delight at the clothes as the craft in our gift. Five already!!!!!


    When power was restored Thurs morn we had intermittent internet in the morning, then nothing. After 5 days unable to connect, OH phoned to complain. While he was talking to them & typing whatever asked, WOW, the internet was miraculously connected. No explanation. I have been so frustrated. I was like a teenager deprived of her mobile phone LOL. I didn’t realise how much I use TROVE, Google, maps, lookups, emails, etc. And I missed you.

  • Evening all:

    Brenda: I seem to have lost track of where all your daughter's are, but I'm hoping others will remind me - don't you bother. In the meantime, wherever they are, it sounds like a close-knit family that takes care of each other no matter what.

    AQ: OZ could probably disappear down the drain and nobody would report it here given all the brouhaha around our election.  Seriously, it sounds bad. Is there any end in sight? Is this unusual? Oh my, Miss 4 is now Miss 5? It'll be college next!

    Hope Tuesday is kind to all.

  • Annette, I have one daughter and one son. Daughter lives in London and son and his wife live in Singapore. Son's wife is due to go into hospital in London, hence them staying with daughter.

  • DIANE    So very sorry to hear your sad news. Thinking of you and family.

  • BRENDA - There is nobody like your Mum. With her, you don't have to pretend xxx

  • Good afternoon.  Got busy early today to fit in later plans, so this is my first (maybe only) post of the day.

    Margo, Brenda and others – special thoughts continuing.

    AQ – pleased you got the internet back at last.  That rain and flooding sounds horrific, especially in the rural areas which are still without power.  Almost unbelievable that Miss4 has become Miss5 already; sounds a great party!

    Having a lovely day – working!  Spent an hour before and an hour after lunch gardening with OH – first I have managed since July!  Sorted the Dahlias (keepers and throwers), belatedly planted bulbs in containers, did general tidying, including in greenhouse.  I really felt happy – I am sure I was born to be outdoors!  OH is trimming the edges of his mowing, but I came in now as I want to be fit to go to a lecture and supper tonight – “Where is Europe Heading?” …!!!


    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!